
The irony is, that these complete wastes of time, lives and taxpayer’s money are actually good for the military; and the defence sector :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Tbh, it’s a boring time to be in the ‘business’ again; I wonder if this is a ‘late 80s’ situation again…

I wonder if the Argies are busy doing the sums :sweat_smile:

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… will anyone be going back in do you think? Or are we all retreating and pulling up the drawbridge

Never understood the whole Pakistan angle. News is saying they’re supporting Taliban. Was it always thus or are they pragmatists?

Pakistan plays both sides. They probably knew they were home to Bin Laden (and many others) for many years, and yet it’s also clear that the Taliban will never mess with them, as they’re a susbstantial military power right next door (proximity being the key threat to the Taliban; Pakistan can take and hold the ground at will, with religion also on their ‘side’). But ultimately, they are pragmatists I guess.


Yep. That’s one of the things that Sloggers didn’t understand…

Partition was a humanitarian disaster. The people of the region remember who killed their father…

Once the westerners have got their people out of there I can’t see them ever putting boots back on the ground there. They were there for 20 years and achieved nothing when they pulled out.

We might see the odd cruise missile or drone strike heading that way if it looks like the Taliban is supporting terrorism outside the country, but no one is going to be in a hurry to send people there.


China will probably have to tick it off in 20 years.


I bet that wouldn’t be televised :roll_eyes:

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So that really is 20 years and countless lives down the swanny …

We are doomed to repeat history; apparently it’s why some people try to study and learn from it.


Arguably they achieved quite a lot until they pulled out. So say the talking heads on the radio, and some brief googling shows that the lives of people in places like Kabul improved, GDP almost quadrupled…now it’s back to locking women up and cutting off heads/appendages.

With no public support from the US public it just ain’t gonna happen. Would they go back in for a Bin Laden #2? Who knows.

If we showed a few more of the endless beheadings, burnings and crucifixions, and the bombings and the dismemberment in the news, instead of pixelating it out and making it an offence to show or view, there might be a bit more resolve to eradicate it rather than pretend it doesn’t happen much and the Tb are really nice folk who are just a bit miffed that we are in their homeland.


The Taliban will be hoping for Dutch Peacekeepers.

As someone who deals with more horribleness than most… being honest … anybody…unless your a cancer doctor or in the SAS … I’m a coward when it comes to stuff like this.

This is going to end very very badly, not really sure it’s actually tri talk at all, and I’m a bit disappointed it’s even on here.

Very very sad.


As sickening as that joke is, I have to nod my head.

Jesus, people falling off aeroplanes in the sky in their desperation to escape is surely enough?

The subject matter? Surely that would also apply to anything not directly related to Triathlon? The only inappropriate/controversial comment here was removed.

If we avoided ever talking about uncomfortable subjects, we’d be putting our heads in the sand would we not? This is the biggest current international news story, after all.


It’s in off topic right, so you can ignore non triathlon stuff

I believe all talk is good - there are people on here with views on stuff outside triathlon that I would never hear/debate with, so it’s good for us all, even if unpalatable


In this day and age, I don’t think it is enough. People are desensitised to violence by Hollywood. Real life acts of violence are truly sickening, and yet we are shielded from those true life atrocities. Violence is practically glamorized by the entertainment industry.


Like most, I couldn’t contemplate doing your job; I tip my hat to you.