Brian for Mayor - Who the fook is Brian?

I keep getting spam on various apps for this, despite living miles away; he looks like a cross between Berlesconi & Putin if you ask me.

Londoners discuss…

The parties should be good then

Dr Peter Gammons. Obviously he’s UKIP :rofl: :rofl:

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He’s a very naughty boy.

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I have no idea what you’re talking about, but am in London.


That pic. Can’t decide between car salesman, gangster or retired footballer.

He’s clearly got the Internet savvy over the others; friggin adware up the ying-yang.

Urm… watched his video; this guy is more New Jersey than New Malden. WTAF.

like an updated version of Rik Mayall’s Alan B’stard


If its my mate Bryan, then Im all for it

I will vote for Winston, he knows how to wear a hat

Surely you’d be voting for Pedro?


Is this a spoof website?

Feels like an elaborate spoof

He’s not the messiah, he’s a naughty boy

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maybe it is but it appears he’s real

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I guess he sees himself as a Disruptor of some kind; a very wealthy disruptor. Reminds me of another American guy…

“rethinking empty cycle lanes by proposing mixed use zones to allow the traffic flow of both cars and cycles”

Would that be a road then??? :roll_eyes:


that made me chuckle!!

“we can lead London to become a world-class city once again.”

It’s a paraphrase of “Make America Great Again” just without the catchiness. Though he hasn’t made the argument that London isn’t a world class city.

Have y’all checked out his ‘Life Accelerator Program’?

I was interested that for something that’s so heavily focused on London it’s charged in USD, though I guess that’s to make it more appealing to people outside the UK? Nice 16% he’s charging on the installments payment too.

Possibly my favourite bit is the talk of a ‘Media Detox’ along with some references to ‘the private facebook group’ because if I’m going to '…be amazed how many hours open up every week when you no longer getting sucked into useless media distractions. ’ one of the things I definitely want to do is sign back into facebook! :man_facepalming:

I won’t lie, there’s part of me that’s quite tempted to sign up for it to see what it’s all about, and the text does make me wonder what would happen were I to…

  • Learn the timeless tools to build superhuman confidence
  • Become a consistent self-motivator using the Getting Things Done mindset
  • Break the shackles of your excuses, your distractions and your fears by cultivating extreme ownership

But I have a strong suspicion that this course isn’t actually going to do that, and would be a colossal waste of ~£2,400!