Camping Thread - Tents/Motorhomes etc

Absolutely cannot beat camping with kids. In general most sites are so safe that kids have more freedom than they would ever have at home

If you can deal with the drive, Camping Aquarius in Spain, on Med coast, very close to French border, is fantastic. Its right on the beach, which is safe and uncrowded, not near any main roads. As it’s close to the mountains, it is not unbearably hot, at night it can get chilly. The weather is normally fantastic

Drive is possible in one day, especially with older kids, however, one stop in France is easier with young kids

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I hate camping but I will do it if there is a specific reason, like a remote surf spot or a race with no other option.

I have a suspicion that Little One will love it though, so there may be some toe dipping next year. I’d prefer a camper but £££££

I’d also add that the Campsite at Coylumbridge on the Rothiemurchus Estate also looked amazing, in amongst all the Pines; it looked like somewhere Continental. Obvs the weather cannot be guaranteed, but slightly less of a drive…albeit not much :laughing:

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Cheers for that @Matthew_Spooner i’ll bookmark that for future reference!.

That summed it up for us too… We camped with the kids because it was affordable, and as you say, they loved it… and I wanted to go surfing and windsurfing, so we could camp right near the beach. Now the kids have left home, we’ve upgraded to a camper, and plan on extended trips around Europe once we can afford to retire (a few years away yet sadly!)

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I haven’t been away in my van a single night this year. What with lockdown, then some campsites not opening the toilet/shower blocks and my other half’s view of any kind of portaloo.
I’m seriously tempted to just bu**er off on my own for a night or two just so I can say I haven’t missed a whole year.


Do it!

I’ve a few mates in the same boat. They’re planning a quick trip before the weather totally dies off at the moment.

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I don’t want to give the secret away but it’s been ace and we’ve got the plans set for next summer already. Look at French campsites with “safari” tents (sure other European campsites will have them). These are fixed tents with beds and a kitchenette but you still use the campsite facilities. Under “canvas” unlike a mobile home and the shared facilities gives everyone a feeling of “real“ camping without all the endless equipment you need to bring yourself. They also tend to be a fair bit cheaper than mobile home rental too.

With kids, you can’t beat the freedom of camping due to the relative safety of campsites. We set out some ground rules with the kids when we arrive but then after that we tell them we don’t really want to see them :wink: (we do of course but you know what I mean)


ooh that’s a great shout, I will check them out, thanks.

We were looking at them for next week, down here in Devon. But it was just too much of a risk - weather vs. ££. They do look good, and perfect for somewhere (like France) where your weather probability is a lot higher.

The last ones we stayed in were spacious so even if the weather had been bad we’d be ok.

Sorry i meant it being cold this year i.e. being in anything other than a building at the start of Oct with a 2yo and 5yo. So we decided to save that money we were happy to spend, and sink it into a tent taht will last years instead.


Haha. There’s no-one I’d rather spend time with than my kids…when they’re happy. So that’s about 30% of the time :rofl:

My two are worried it will just be the 3 of us, as none of their friends/dads can make it. But tbh, when we went to France, my brother and I just used to wander around exploring the site; we didn’t need anyone else really, and it was ‘quality time’ for us as siblings.

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It’s so nice that all the midges in the world migrate there for their vacation every June and don’t head off home until late October :grinning:

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I don’t find that area too bad…well, compared to the west coast! (and of course you get mosquitoes abroad)… BBQs will keep them away :sweat_smile:

I’ll take mozzies any day over midges. Those bastards love biting my head. Mozzies itch a bit, but they’re bearable for me. My wife on the other hand comes out like she’s had a snake bite! :joy:

Mrs FB is the mozzie magnet - suits me nicely thank you!

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I’m sat here, typing this from my van, on a site in Derbyshire… running away from a 113 entry… just walked in to the nearest village and enjoyed a couple of pints in the warm late afternoon sun, and now back, with a spag bog on the hob… absolutely love my van, and 5th trip this year… we just keep away from everyone, and find that we have nowt to worry about!


Oooh in-built floor-level chessboard too. Fancy :grinning:

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