Changing schools

Sounds like a good plan, esp the bit about letting her see the reasons why the move.
Also good to promote the gaining new friends as well as keeping the old ones too. Y2 is a good time to move, plenty of time to settle in & make friends before the throes & ‘growing pains’ of upper KS2 kick in!
Most primary schools will have systems for settling new kids in & most good teachers will be competent to ‘socially engineer’ soft, social situations for chit chat etc. Will often set up a ‘buddy’ system etc.
I’m not sure what size the new school is or how any classes per year group. But the settling in process can work equally well in small, cosy village schools & larger 3 from entry schools too.
I’ve rarely had any problems with new kids settling into my classes in the past. In my previous overseas school it was a fact of life, with the oil company, that some kids came & went mid term, any term, (depending on duration of dad’s contract)
She should flourish, as others have said the regularity of the home-life will help too.


Thanks very much for that. There is a buddy system but she also already has a friend in the class she’ll be joining.

Uniform turned up today, so she starts tomorrow!


Good luck FP Jnr :crossed_fingers:


That’s a real shame.

My club couldn’t be any more different from that if it tried, to the extent of even putting in extra coffee stops on club rides on the fly to give struggling new riders some recovery time.

It saddens me that a few idiots can do so much harm by setting and leaving such a poor impression when clubs can be really great. :pensive:

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Good luck!

She was excited, right up to going in the classroom, then she looked like she was jumping off a cliff! But no phone call yet, so all good!
