Commuting & Winter Riding Thread

I’ll stick this here as I couldn’t find a ‘what wheels’ thread…

Looking for some winter / commuter wheel set recommendations. Preferably aluminium and rim brake. Anyone seen any deals out there or bought any recently?

The bearings on my rear wheel sounded like death rattle riding home yesterday. Not surprising as they’re cheap Shimano. They came with @FatPom’s P3 a good few years ago so haven’t done badly at all


Good all season wheelset in my experience, Campag or Shimano

Hard to find good deals on rim/alu these days.

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Yeah, choice of rim brake options seems to be dwindling. I’d be a bit worried about the spoke pattern on those though.

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No idea if they’re too expensive for you, I’ve been using the disc brake version on my winter bike for several years, bombproof.


Previously had a pair of 4seasons and really rate them. Kind of wanted to avoid spending too much but around 400 seems to be the going rate for a set of half decent wheels!

Shimano RS11 from eBay.
Generally £80 in OEM / nearly new.
Last three-four years.
Bin em. Start again.

Or buy the hunts for five times the price :woman_shrugging:t2:


Nice, exactly what I currently have on that bike. Bought them, cheers!


Greta makes a sad face


Second hand though.

What’s a man to do if your rims are fucked?


One letter off a completely different sentence


Foggy, wet and leaves everywhere but for none of these reasons managed to stack the Brompton on the way to work all by myself.
Nb. The deceleration from the fastest point of my commute just before the 10min mark.

Could have been worse and a woman in an Audi even stopped to see if I was OK.


Ouch, heal up quickly JaRok🍀

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Thanks Annas, I got off pretty light. No signs of bruising or stiffness as the day’s gone on so it seems fat guys bounce pretty well, as well as being harder to kidnap; it’s a win win :grin:


I bet you’re more upset about the big hole in your orange jacket


I would except there’s already a little hole in the back and I payed about £10 for it from Sports Direct about 10 years ago so it doesn’t owe me anything.
Ps. Wolves colours like my Brompton (Old Gold technically :rofl:)


Been running a cree T6 ebay front light special since 2016. For what it cost (Im sure under £25) its been incredible. I did upgrade the battery pack but still been a great value light.
However it always annoyed me a bit - not least the cables that needed organising and the remote switch was good; but not in the right place.
Brought a decathlon all in one unit - bit bigger than I expected. USB charging was a plus - but despite it being a go-pro rip off mount, could only use the one it came with.
The screw for the mount and the USB forced where I could put it - was behind cables (as it sits under the bad and was quite off centre). Also couldnt see the charge indicator and the remote was difficult in gloves. Shame.

Dumped a load of cash on a magicshine. Completely customiseable settings. Mounted front and centre on a Garmin mount (only downer it then impedes my flashing light).
Confidently set off this morning - to be cut up by first 2 cars 1km in on my first island and then almost T-boned at the next island a further KM in :tired_face:

I’d even cleaned my spokey dokey reflectors yesterday as well!



I started out commuting with a cabled light but it eventually came loose and destroyed itself in the front wheel. Replaced it with a USB charging light from Ebay.
Just wandered out to the shed and it does charge from underneath so couldn’t charge whilst riding … but I’m unsure why you would want or need to, unless extremely disorganised? Set an alarm to charge at work every 2 or 3 days and keep a spare cable for that.
also unsure why you’d want to use the Garmin mount … isn’t it being used for a garmin?

I used to be lit up like a christmas tree when I commuted, had close passes which I’m not sure can be avoided by short tempered commuters but all the flashing lights stopped any other problems. I always had a forward and back facing light on my helmet to keep drivers a bit confused. My view was that they have to work out what’s going on and that stops them being overly aggressive.


Dynamo front hub, FTW.

I rarely encounter commute rage.
Also just used to have some Leyzne 350 (?) USB rechargeable lights. One on flash, one on high to see by, which goes to low as the sun comes up.

I’ve got an 800XL monster now, but it’s overkill really.

Trio of rear lights (seatpost, bag and pannier rack)
All cheapo (<£20) flashing ones. With one set to pulse (so it never goes off)

I only commute fortnightly now, but used to be more and that set up never presented an issue.

Worst thing for me was fixed gear in the frost.
I slid out on one particular corner twice due to my speed and pannier weight :see_no_evil:


My commute is 90% on roads with a little on unlit cyclepaths.

Main light on handlebars can apparently blast out 2200 lumens but rarely toggle up to that. I’ve also got a forward facing Moon Mizar flashing away on my helmet.

I’ve got 2 rear facing Topeak lights, one on the seatpost & one flashing on pannier. I’ve also got a Moon Merak light flashing away on my right hand bar end which - in my mind - gives drivers something to think about.
