Double Run Days

I think that view is changing.

Little and often is becoming a much better way to train.


Skippers recent vid on threshold running says he didn’t run as long as 2hrs last season except in racing, and those sub 2hr long runs were easy pace

He’s doing double days threshold running this year

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WCPGW :rofl:

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different returns from different strategies - and objectives…

I did like Tim Don’s triple run day…

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I liked that Tim Don sometimes did his speedwork on an equine hosptial’s horse treadmill, because the human treadmill wasn’t fast enough :exploding_head:

Not a problem I have ever faced personally :smile:


Tim Dons bike time at Ashbourne Duathlon is stupendous.
His descent of Middleton Top to the Via Gellia was utterly mad :exploding_head:
@explorerJC will know it well …


Indeed, i know it well, but not well enough to descend at those speeds in the traditional late winter/early spring conditions of Ashbourne Du…with carbon rims and rim brakes…

On a dry day with discs I might give it a go…

I seem to recall that Yiannis Kouros didn’t bother with long runs above about 1/2 marathon outside of races but did do a lot of double run days and it seemed to work pretty well for him…

I have done a lot of double run days but rarely with them both being hard sessions. I just don’t have the recovery for that. Spend several years running to work (5.5 miles) and back twice during the week which worked well for me. I cycle commuted the other 3 days.

On days where I have done one of the sessions as a hard session, I much preferred the first session to be easy so that I knew I didn’t have to do anything else once I was knackered.


Kouros, I bet he smelt nice.

Not on double run days but on Skipper and the double threshold days. I know the Norwegians use this but they refer to threshold that sounds more like tempo/sweet spot efforts. I wonder if that Skipper means?

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Starting this tomorrow
Worked well a few years ago, see how the ankle holds up.


This is possibly the solution to my February advent run…