IRONMAN Barcelona 2021

The person you referred to (or yourself.!) was a castrated ram?

It means “something that indicates or leads a trend”. Oxford Dictionary.

Duly grammatically corrected and humbled…

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The term derives from the Middle English bellewether and refers to the practice of placing a bell around the neck of a castrated ram (a wether) leading the flock of sheep. A shepherd could then note the movements of the flock by hearing the bell, even when the flock was not in sight.

For rap battle, substitute diction battle? :joy:

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yeah boiiiii

Talk of air bridge agreed with Portugal by end of the month. Fingers crossed.

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I wonder how “solid” these air bridges will be?

Presumably they’ll be cut fairly rapidly if the infection rate starts to climb again at either end

Well, fingers crossed that its the medically appropriate thing to do anyway.

I think a lot of people are just desperate to go on holiday and don’t seem too fussed about the medical risks of doing so :roll_eyes:

Definitely going to keep an eye on how Portugal is looking. If it’s possible to make a last minute transfer, if it really looks like going ahead, I may well do so. Next year is already a shit show with so many events (sporting, and life) now being backed up into that 12m period.

Still no news on Vitoria, but with Barca in the late season, I still struggle to see IM Spain trying to run two events in quick succession. And so switching Vitoria to Portugal would free up a whole chunk of next year. But I’m not going to do that unless Portugal really is going to go ahead

More evidence theyre desperate for tourism, and more likely Barca will go ahead consequently imo

Presumably you’re going to struggle to get travel insurance for a reasonable price until the government changes their guidance on non-essential travel???

I dont know, Im not even looking into it. My bank provides travel insurance, if it didnt cover me Im not sure Id change my plans.

BTF cover might be a problem though, I suppose?

Well, I suppose one thing we can count on whatever the outcome…it will cost us more money.

I get it on my bank account, and although it’s still valid, it now excludes C19, so I’m sure they’d try and link anything to that and avoid coughing up.

Boom tish!


I sign up to a gym for swimming at 06:15 this korning…IM Barca cancelled at 14:03

For fucks sake.

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Bad news, not a great surprise though. Sorry to hear it.

Yeah glad to know. Removes uncertainty.

I had committed to swimming knowing its likely to be cancelled its just the timing :smile:

Feels good to be swimming again, and Ill do a virtual IM Barcelona…70.3, instead on Playa del Petts Wood.

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Anyone know the elevation gain of Barcelona bike course ?

Google is to being my friend, nor is the IM website