Kona 25

Woof woof!

Ditlev :exploding_head:

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To put into perspective what a great run this is from Sam, to 33km he’s run nearly a minute and a half faster than Joe, who’s known as a strong runner



Neumann, Kienle, Skipper, Ditlev

Who finishes where?

Well deserved second in a stellar field, if he can tough it out to the end.

Sam looked to be grimacing a bit during the last shot :crossed_fingers:


Been a great race, shame they missed the decisive maurten move after 7hrs of this :rofl:


Imagine if Jan and AB were there as well! :exploding_head:

Utterly ridiculous, but it has otherwise been pretty good

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I think Skipper will take Kienle


Definitely. Neumann is too far though, unless he blows

“hes just out of lens”…30seconds up the road, must have been a wide lense.


Neumann looks good, big gap behind. Closing on Blu but will run out of road.

Loving this race today.

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The fact the commentary team didn’t even have a clue either just shows how amateur it is.

I even thought it was probably as Iden had dropped him, as the previous time split before they cut to that shot of Blu had Gustav with a 4s gap, which was bigger than it had been all run

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Haha, bet the Americans love that if they’re tennis fans

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Eyes closing…must…see…fini :sleeping::zzz:


Skipper and Sebi side by side at the last split

Edit - and now 30s ahead at the next

I think you’re right.

And no threats from behind. But Neumann isn’t slowing, so 5th.

He’s holding pace with Ditlev 45s behind though.

So Neumann, Skipper, Kienle, Ditlev.

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Skipper passed Sebi into 5th


Just counted 60 seconds between Sam and kristian

Yep, 59 seconds. Come on Sam!!

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