My wife feels the same, oh no wait, she wants to move away from Ped.
Just moved this here as it seemed best place.
I get you. On that, using anabolics and HGH will allow one to recover better but that includes connective tissues so that stress fractures are less likely to happen. But as I mentioned before, stress fractures are not due to absolute volume but too quick a change in volume (including intensity). Under eating could also be a contributory factor in stress fractures. Using anabolics and EPO or synthetic O2 carriers allow athletes to train with more intensity and recover more quickly and absorb those adaptations. It would then make them faster in a race. For race day itself, if one’s haematocrit is artificially high, either by blood doping and or using EPO and or a synthetic O2 carrier then one will be faster.
@Mungo2 I didn’t mean use google to give you answers directly on how to take PEDs but more of finding articles and forums like T Nation or similar that then allow you to discuss directly or read what others have done and go from there. Now where did I put Fuentes’ email address?
@Mungo2 Having little knowledge or even exposure in this area apart from some light reading. For the people doing HGH for a short period of time or a few steroid stack cycles are the effects longer lasting than the time taking them? Ie do the gains made from them quickly or slowly disappear over time once off of them?
Id say it was higher than 5%, local gym I use is rife with it, some people are blatantly obvious, some discreet but my pt knows who is and isn’t some want a refund!
Not sure I agree with the idea of people selling low quality stuff, would be a very short lived venture but agree quality control is non existent.
Yesterday was an all time low for me, a pos 4-6 weeks out from a big boxing event worth millions and all concerned unashamedly trying to get the fight to happen?!?
Utter madness.
Several people who obviously know alot about peds/ boxing / sport in general saying that it’s rife in pro sport and masking agents are alllowing it to happen. Very sad indeed.
In tri as the prize purses increase so will the risks people take.
He’s talking about of the global population! No way is it that high. In gyms, yeah sure.
Ever tried in your life?
Male ? You’d be surprised, I guess I live in a gym and work in a very macho environment so my views are probably swayed…
If it’s the global population you’d have to look at the figures I guess
The guy I was talking about went back to “ normal “ in 12 months or so, he did however have some unrelated and repeating medical issues, that in theory have nothing to do with HGH, I’m not so convinced personally.
8? Years later he’s gone back to cycling for fun, he doesn’t race and never has really.
An experiment almost, he’s a very intelligent guy.
I use council gyms, it’s more PEZ than PEDs.
No never tried PEDs; especially as you get drug tested in the forces remember!
Steroids strike me as a mug’s game tbh.
Me neither, never been tempted. Skme of those benefits of HGH sound great though. Improved sleep is the one I want. Just remembered they were going to give me that as a LITTLE kid.
The Army does CDT”s ?
Don’t think steroids show up in the initial screening ?
This is for recreational drugs coke, cannabis etc. My very limited understanding is that you can ask for a specific test for peds?
Google tells me that cocaine is the main drug of choice in the army in 2020, followed by a rise in Amphetamine use, ironically used by thousands in WW2.
It does state that soldiers have been sacked for using peds.
They definitely test for steroids. I was tested 4 or 5 times in my last posting.
Who is that?
Conor Benn, the boxer who caused all this
Jesus it’s only looking at the tatoos I was sure it was the same person… change in the jaw is
There is no way on earth that is natural. He’s pumped.
Do you know how long there is between pictures?