Rait Ratasepp: 40IM/40Days WR

I’m not familiar with ultra ultra events like some of you guys but this looks like a legitimate feat to me, unlike the buffoons that turn up occasionally, and broke the 20x and 30x WRs along the way.

Amazing stats:


I literally don’t know what possesses these people!

Including a sub 3.15 marathon and bikes under 6 hours. The man is a machine!

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amazing but completely bonkers

Whenever I see these endurance feats; firstly my mind boggles at the impressive athletic achievement, rapidly followed by ‘that must be mind numbing’ and concludes with ‘I hope there isn’t a family dragged into this lifestyle’. Because whilst it is indeed an individual choice and a free world, it’s actually never really ‘about the kids’.

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Unless it’s Ashley “for the kids” Horner obviously…


I think we’re Del-a-ware that it wasn’t for the kids. :wink:


image https://thegoodofthebad.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/wont-somebody-please-think-of-the-children.gif?w=620

^^ that was Ashley!