Ride 100

I think it depends a lot on what’s available After… open bar? And for how long? :wink:

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Did it this year. Not really interested in a repeat.

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Yeah that’s it, you have to do the 2 mile swim.

I see RideLondon is taking a year out for 2025.

That means it’s almost certainly never going to happen again


I was thinking about this the other day (not sure why) but has the sportive market changed along with other mass participation events?

I don’t think RideLondon was as popular as it was when it started and the ballot was massively over subscribed, but it was still getting a huge number of entries.

The issue here seems to be resistance from the locals to the road closures. That’s what pushed it off the original Surrey course and I think folks in Essex were pushing back too :man_shrugging:


It may reflect my sources of information rather than fact, but it seemed from topics on Reddit that there were a lot of accidents last year (I didn’t read the whole posts, but recall the number of them surprising me)

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Hmmm. If that event is dead, what does it mean for London Classics medals - you get it after the marathon and Swim Serpentine now instead?

I always had an early start so was mainly riding with club riders who knew how to ride in a group, so things usually thinned out fairly quickly and I didn’t see too many issues. On the way back into London we usually passed the masses going in the other direction and the full width of the road was full of cyclists.

With that many inexperienced riders in the same space you’re always going to get crashes, especially on the descents where you have some big speed differences between riders :man_shrugging:.

Cape Town Cycle Tour is known for its big crashes, especially in the groups where people think they’re racing. That’s one of the reasons why I never did not despite having the opportunity several times with Hotchillee


Maybe they need to take a leaf out of Ryan Air’s book and host RideLondon somewhere away from London? RideLondon(Southend) or RideLondon(Luton)


you heard it here first


FFS. RideLondon(Wetwang) obvs!



oops, sorry about that. I must have bashed the sign with my ego when running thru on the LDWA Woldsman 50 ultra :sweat_smile: