Strength training

As I see. Yeah that makes sense, get the protein without the hard to digest fats etc which make you feel fuller.

Tinned tuna is about the only fish I will eat and only then smothered in mayo, really dislike fish and seafood.

Im way behind on quizzy Mondays, starting having something I think people call a social life, very odd, been busy most evenings.

No, sorry youve lost me there. :grinning:

Mayo is the way to go.

Did I add make a friend to my goals of 2025, I know I said I was going to.


Managed to get down the gym the last two lunchtimes without coming back to blood spattered walls and Mrs J hiding in the puppyā€™s crate like a saferoom :wink:
Happy enough with where I am on Push & Pull, about 10kg down on all the big exercises, from my best in November; hopefully it will come back quicker this time if I can keep to a routine.
That can only mean one thing of course; Legs tomorrow :scream:


Itā€™s difficult. Iā€™ve been trying to work on it for months, consistent protein in take is as hard as consistent training - for me at least. Iā€™ve learned that I skip lunch far more often than I had any idea of too.

Targets I have are set by body weight , not LBM. Min 1.2g per kg Goal 1.6g per kg. This is not strength specific BTW.

I donā€™t track every week but it looks like Iā€™m making the minimum, on average. It takes focus to hit the goal.

Theyā€™re really big numbers at 1g/lb, bodybuilder style.
1g per kilo is probably sufficient for most, up towards 1.5g/kg if very active and that fits within total calories etc (fitting that 0.7g/lb)

4 eggs is ~30g protein = 120 calories from protein alone.
But Roughly 300 calories from the 4 eggs.
If youā€™re struggling to eat a 4 egg omelette for being full, how much butter, cheese and other fillings is in it as I wouldnā€™t class a 300 cal meal as large.

Then again, would also rather say food-first diets for the micronutrients rather than shakes, but obviously shakes have their place for right person right time.

Thereā€™s a balance between high protein diets being the way for weight loss/strength gains, and just extra calories leading to strength gains if people canā€™t reduce the carbs/fats from the style of diets we typically eat (eg spag bol and risotto), UK food typically built around a carb source. And then in this food environment we live in were surrounded by treats and temptation too.

Suppose my point is if youā€™re lifting two hours a week and not hugely active outside of that, and not looking to gain 20kg of muscle, then thereā€™s a question of overall balance too.
Starting at the 1-1.2g/kg and try and work up towards 1.5g/kg might be an option to adjust diet rather than thinking you have to force in a chicken breast every 2hrs


Despite my best efforts to come up with an excuse, I made it to the gym on leg dayšŸ˜¬
Quite happy really, 4x120kg on Squat and still managed to max out the Leg Press Machine at 200kg (6 reps) despite doing it after Leg Exts & Curls as it was in use.
Only Deadlifts left of my 4 key lifts that I havenā€™t done yet, so got that to look forward to on Sunday.


Made it to the gym on Saturday & Sunday so now have a benchmark for where Iā€™m starting the year on all 4 key exercises.
Military Press - 4x50kg
Bench Press - 4x100kg
Squat - 4x120kg
Deadlift - 4x140kg

Initial target of 60/100/140/180kg (1,2,3,4 plates)

Stretch target 75/125/150/200% of Bodyweight (Currently about 105kg)