The 4w/kg thread

Is that unusual though? That’s only like say 420W for me, plus there’s the Feather booster which reduces your weight thereby increasing your w/kg

Yes, all of Garmin’s thresholds are based on HR/Power relationship, it assumes particular curves, so if you fall outside those curves (more likely on running than cycling, but still there on power) then it’s going to suggest weird things from sub-max efforts.

It does do the calculations after every run/ride - but it needs to decide that the change is significant enough to mention.

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This is one of my weaknesses in Zwift / Strengths for LD triathlons. In Zwift I am happy to hold 95%+ of my FTP, however, when it comes to the inclines, I struggle to put in the huge surges of power (often 6w/kg or more), I normally end up falling off the lead pack and settling in with 4 or 5 other riders, who are similar, where we work together and maintain a much more consitent power. When I look at the overall results, the people in the lead pack will often have a lower AP but higher NP than me.

When training, I work on keeping my AP and NP pretty close, as this is the fastest way to complete a long distance non drafting race. However, learning how to surge, when you are already at FTP seems to be a great way to lift your FTP.

I find that Zwiftpower site is a really good way to manage my Zwift racing and categorisation (screenshot above was taken from Zwiftpower) When I started to race on Zwift about 18 months ago, I was in Cat C, about this time last year, I was moved up to Cat B, about a month ago I was moved up to CAT A. The nice thing about Zwiftpower is if I try to race in a lower Cat, my result does not count, also Zwiftpower does look for weight doping, so I tend only to look at Zwiftpower results


Easier to surge 6w/kg when you only weigh 55kg :roll_eyes:

Hence weight doping in Zwift

Yes, it’s the surges that get me too. Once there’s a 2-3s gap you can see a small group of 3-4 riding away from you at 3.5w/kg and I’m riding just over 4 and drifting away :roll_eyes:

I’m assuming he’d been putting that out for a prolonged period. The only reason I noticed was because of the flag. he went past me like I was stopped.

I wondered what that feather did. I don’t get to use any of those things because I ride a TT bike exclusively.

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Yep, once you get gapped on Zwift it is bloody hard work to get back on again. When they first introduced double/full draft this became even more noticeable, personally being a heavier rider I tend to avoid any races with double draft.

Where can you see if it’s ‘double draft’?

Companion app shows this.
Weird really doesn’t look too official

On ZwiftPower events list the lorry icon (as per 13:25 race) indicates doubledraft.

Looking at the App, only Cat A get double draft?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes. Very strange. Can’t search for it the filters either :man_shrugging:t2:

Due to a house move, i have not been on Zwift for some time…but does anyone know that if i have only ‘registered’ a TT bike, on a Zwift race would i not get the benefit of a draft? Is the system that clever?

4 W/kg is on the cusp of cat A power production for men and on the cusp of elite for women…

I’ve never tried to ‘Ride’ a tt in a race but would have thought you’ll be automatically put on a road bike.

It’s while since I’ve ridden a Zwift race but I’ve done loads in the past. I ride exclusively a TT bike and it’s never changed for a race and you don’t get a draft (which is the way I like it). But things may have changed now.

I’ve just googled it. You can ride your tt but you won’t get the draft effect. So I’d image dropped in the roll out

You don’t get dropped, you just have to ready, very ready :laughing:

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the way i like it too…but i do get dropped very quickly!!!

yep :slight_smile: