Watcha eatin’

Are they the feet that stamped the fish?

I could be tempted…

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Dirty maccies breakfast muffin :grin:

Offset by a piece of pineapple :roll_eyes::joy:


One for @FatPom , I saw Tam Tams in Tesco yesterday which I remember hearing about years ago so decided to pick up a pack.

I remember hearing something about biting off opposite corners and using as a straw for a hot drink. Couldn’t get that to work, but I have to admit they made good dunkers.


We used to bite the ends off use them to suck up JD and Coke on Friday poker nights. :joy:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: wrote this last night and was promptly reminded this morning, why we only eat raclette once a year. My whole house, clothes, me stink of smelly cheese :laughing: Feel like I had the cheese sweats all night. And the feast season hasn’t ended here yet, got to celebrate the 21st birthday of my son. Had cake this morning already…a tangy creamy raspberry and white chocolate tart and later we’re eating meat fondu :muscle:


Full roast beef dinner last night, roasted parsnips, potatoes, butternut, carrots. Broccoli and Sprouts.

New Years Day
Sunrise run and then a bacon sandwich, its been a tradition for about the last 7 years.

Lost 0.2kg rolling 7 day average :slight_smile:


I don’t think I’ve had stollen since we returned all those years ago; if I did if was probably a bit dry which they often can be …and thus I returned to the ultimate super food of Christmas Pudding and homemade Christmas cake (without icing).


Lunch was cheese and crackers. Cheese overload

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That’s our meal later tonight.

My mum was born German, moved to the UK in 1955 so by the time I came along she was very anglicized.

The only German thing was Christmas biscuits, even as a kid I didn’t like them … and not got better with time.
Stollen seems designed to be dry as stale bread, I steer well clear.

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Family brought over two small packs of stollen for me from Frankfurt, it’s not as sweet as I remember it. A nice treat though :slight_smile:

My parents had a raclette machine and I’ve inherited it. We took the machine round a friends house a couple of years ago for a meal. When we left their house absolutely stank. They have a big open plan place so it was everywhere!

MrsF and I have said if we ever use the machine again it’ll be outside in the middle of summer.

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We’ve eaten one stollen so far, another one to go. They certainly need custard and/or cream to help it go down.
Also still got a Xmas pud. Our one panettoni this year is almost gone.

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The Lidl one is decent, some from the posher supermarkets are too dry.

Birthday cake eaten :heavy_check_mark:
Meat fondu eaten :heavy_check_mark:

Oh my, I’m never eating again…ever!

Edit: family are going in for more cake…I’m resisting :face_with_peeking_eye:


Exactly…used to get that in the Xmas markets in Bavaria with bread and tea

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Although I actually like stale bread

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First Spaghetti :spaghetti: Bolognese of the year. :yum:
Not what we’d normally have on a Saturday evening but everyone fancied it.

Day 7 - That’s a week of no alcohol (and eating better) and my daily stress levels have reduced massively and my sleep improved. HRV and Garmin data matches the improvements I have felt.

Still filtering the odd Christmas left over treats.

Re: Stollen
Did anyone try the M&S stollen bites, nothing like real stollen but nice imo, if they’d been any more moist they would have been Stollen soup.


also done my first Spag Bol of the year. Quite often do it on Saturdays.


Was hoping for a special dinner but chilli con carne hit the spot after coming in from the cold. :+1::cut_of_meat::hot_pepper:

Iced mince pie during workout, and English breakfast for lunch.

Two beers and a glass of wine and somehow still 600 kCals under…dont question it… :eyes: