What would you do?

Got mine in 2021, They have done a load of races including my IM PB in Roth and Marathon PB both in 2022, they get used every week for parkrun, I am now on ZugDIYParkRun no 108 and these have probably dono 75+ of them, most parkruns are between 8-12km depending on warmup and cool down runs. I have also used them for every weekly intervals set, nomally 12 - 15km in total include run to the track and back, and I use them for random runs. In total 1000km is probably a significant under estimation

They are surprisingly resilient

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The shoes that I was wearing (had not used them much) when I first encountered an achilles issue entirely out of the blue. Two and half years on, and I still rarely run. I’m sure it can’t have been just the shoes, but doesn’t stop me hating those shoes!

A good shoe rotation won’t hurt.

Pun intended.