Yeah totally agree with this, I run regularly with a few friends, for me the pace is a touch slow but I enjoy the company and the chat, especially WFH full time.
Sure I could be quicker if I optimised my training but would largely be alone etc and I don’t race often enough to care.
For me Z2 is like 4:30km pace and probably run a 3:40km pace for a 5k.
Fully on board with this, and others similar posts. Despite how prescriptive I made my training over 2022-2023, it doesn’t mean it’s for everyone, or all of the time. This social media fad of “zone 2 training” like it’s suddenly a new idea is more likely harmful, and at best unnecessary for the vast majority of people. The bandwagon will move back round to HIIT or something else soon enough.
Regarding paces, nowadays as a 22 minute parkrunner I’m doing all of my runs at essentially the same ~4:50km pace I ran “Z2” at when I was a 16:30 runner.