I’ll let you know day 1 was Sunday of my fit at 50 asthmatic edition seriously though last year i was doing ok, run isn’t fast, never was, but now my easy long run is 6:40-7:10 min/ks not 5:45’s - 6! Just a fresh Covid bout in January sent me back to square one. Hopefully I can stay lurgy free this year!
I was actually thinking that the chest will actually force me to stay aerobic, so could be a benefit
Very much the same for me on both counts.
EIA nearly put paid to my first Norseman but I was young(ish) and stupid enough to keep going.
Much worse was it stopped my Bob Graham attempt half way round. I really should have gone again once I’d got the medication properly sorted but I guess life had moved on for me by then.
One of the things I always liked about tri was that it felt like less of a race than running events (especially). I much preferred fell running on my own or a small group.
Strangely, I really liked OW swim races and may well go back to them as the lad is getting older and needs less attention.
I loved XC but it was always quite stressful at County League races hoping that the 10 old blokes showed up so your “mere” 47min 10k in t’ills n mud would not come last!
but tri is a time trial and no one generally knows where you finished so it was you against your head. My best tri though was Midnightman half in 2012 where I ended up with a right ding dong with “East Essex Tri Girl” and actually raced the last 5k or so, i was even putting in speed bursts to gain gaps. Was huge fun! I also had a bit of a battle at latter stages of Forestman with “Police Tri Girl” she got me up the last hill though and pulled away the last mile back down the road to Sandy Balls
I can get in here on a technicality. If we talk only branded, then the one IM I’ve done is Wales.
I’d retired after doing 4 - last being Outlaw 2010 - but then 3 weeks later they launched IM Wales for 2011. The utter bastards!! I just had to do another IM especially on my home soil in Wales. So 2011, the first IM Wales was my last - and what a one to go out on - that swim. Which bizarrely was my fastest IM swim - 1.09.
What tat do you get for 0?
probably a heathly bank balance
“Just say no” and a picture of Zammo