2023 Goals

Anyone got any goals for next year you want to post, doesn’t even have to be sport related if roof fixing is your thing!

Most of us have probably got most deferred races out of the way now.

70.3 WC in Finland
Sub 3/3:30 - Marathon
Sub 9/10/11 - IM
Sub 5 - 70.3
Retirement :rofl:

I’ve got a few in my mind and will try and update later.


Lose weight. Dont want to put a KG figure on it because finding whats considered a healthy weight for my size is hard. Waist size is a better measure maybe so I will aim for getting it below the BHF guideline of 94cms.

No booze for a few months.

Regular exercise. 2 runs, 2 bikes, 3 strength. Maybe the odd swim.


Just chill the fudge out. We’re at the end of a bloody stressful period of bereavement, shortage of money, health issues (minor), upheaval and turmoil. We’re both now 50 something semi retired and it’s definitely time to calm down.

Wherever that leads is good but I’d like to get back into leaning the piano, building a shed, sorting the motorcycle and fixing up the house. Now MrsS is home cutting down on alcohol is a given. :+1:


Nothing planned. Could be a quiet year re:all that - various projects on the go and possibly some re-training for extra dollars… Maybe some low key local stuff, if fit, but certainly no big events


Sub 10 Full distance race. That is all

  1. Sleep Avg > 7h
  2. Body fat < 25%
  3. Sub 5 70.3
  4. Sub 12 140.6

Managed 9 weeks over 7h in the last quarter of ‘22 but went to pot when I got sick two weeks ago.

I believe this tied in with my uncharacteristic weight loss in that part of the year so supports my second goal - at least how my scales measure it, would be the lightest I’ve been in many years. I think the excess fat is my performance and health limiter so this is key to three and four.

A sub 5 half iron at Cotswolds 113 would be moving to another level for me and given I didn’t even try one this year maybe a bit optimistic but I think I have a solid plan. I’m using what I learned in 20/21 and also focussing on consistency over volume.

A sub 12 Ironman at Frankfurt would be the reward for hitting my other goals and a step further along my five year plan and needs a 4.5h run leg - punchy.

Good luck all! :slightly_smiling_face::four_leaf_clover:


Between the problems with my hips and sore feet, I cannot say what my goals are really. i don’t know what’s causing this pain. (and I’m currently dealing with an allergic reaction as well, uggh).

However, I know from all my back surgery that whilst losing weight is not a cure, excess weight sure as shit is not helping. i don’t need to be fitter, I need to be lighter.

This is my goal and like @GRamsay , no grandiose target that will never be met, just ’ less of me’.



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That’s the word I was looking for! Ha ha. Mine are indeed a collection of albatrosses around my neck.

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I had read that being overweight causes issues not just because of pressure on joints, but also because it generally increases inflamation in the body.

As you say I just need less of me and until thats done I cant think of anything else.


Well ‘grandiose’ implies just the right side of ‘you’re fucking dreaming’ :grinning:


Enjoyment. Nothing more.


Not there. Hopefully around that charming lake at HPP


Western States 24th June

A Goal - probably beyond me - sub 24 hrs and Silver Buckle
B Goal - much more realistic - sub 30 hrs and Bronze Buckle

That is all - been waiting in years for this - everything else is a training session for this goal


Im looking forward to dot watching you for this. An iconic race.


2 to follow with @p00key as well it’s going to be brill

Anyone noticing me going quiet on the Training What Training thread, feel free to rip me a new one :rofl:


Sub 4 marathons at Lanza/ Roth & Wales
Lose 6kgs

Do that and I’ve had a good year and the rest will have followed :+1:


European middle distance duathlon when announced (would love a podium)
Robinhood half marathon (coincides with dropping the boy off at Uni)
Scottish Du champs AG podium
Sub 3 marathon TBC
Apart from that race locally where possible and do more TO this year


Main ones for me so far are

Sub 5 70.3
Sub 1:27 half
Sub 40 10K
3:10ish marathon (and maybe a GFA for 2024)

All of which are dependent on doing some actual training and entering some races. I doubt I’ll be in 1:27 shape for the Brass Monkey in a fortnight.

I had considered another go at the Hardmoors 55 but interest is waning currently, I’m not even sold on the marathon.

Off the pitch I’m hoping I can get back to visiting a couple more cities\capitals, not sure I’ll be leaving Europe this year though. And Serbia & Kosovo is flaring up again, there’s a few countries that are going to have to go to the bottom of the list!


After a very slow Q4 this year, I’m recovering some motivation. Previous experience tells me that my weight will drop back to 80kg (ish) so long as I pedal 100 miles a week. It’s a long way above my old racing weight (c70-72kg) but don’t think that’s ever happening again!

My trip to the Alps ticked off some big cols from the bucket list but the heat meant it wasn’t as enjoyable an experience as I’d hoped. So, decided to hit one of my (several) UK targets instead of travelling:


  1. Cycle regularly and do some turbos when the weather is bad rather than mooch about

  2. Cycle round Wales - date tbd based on work

  3. Stretch goal - start swimming again