76.8kg +0.1kg. Did get below 76kgs, mid-week but wasn’t able to get enough exercise into my week and some bad food and wine at the weekend put paid to any gains. Back on it.
.too light
Original pic was “ unsuitable for a family based site”
What a start to the week… and I’ve given them a wipe too!
106.4kg & 34.1%
Back to a fairly normal week with 5 weights sessions & a bit of cardio too so managed to reverse most of last week’s increase but not quite.
Would like to get down to 100kg, hit my strength targets based on that weight & then see where I can go from there.
Only a couple of bike rides, total of about 2 1/2 hrs. A couple of really short slow runs after the knees have given me gip. Zero on the swim. Could be worse and hopefully going forward I’ll get the scales on side.
75.1kg. -1.7kg. A lot more exercise in the last week and other than a couple of blips, I was pretty disciplined with what I was eating. Really pleased to be back in my normal range.
Down to 96.25kg this morning. The last reading that low was June 21. So I’m starting to feel I’m making progress (From 103kg in October.)
Have not checked in for a while, progress has inevitably slowed, 97.2 kg yesterday. So still heading in the right direction.
106.4kg & 34.0%
Another decent week for training with 5 Weights sessions & 5 Cardio but no progress on weight so clearly diet is an issue and need to be stricter.
Holding steady
Impressive but not 140.6 is it
154 lbs ish I think
Told you I could make light middleweight or is it superwelter these days ?
Ten stone
FFS - 74.3 on the Sunday weigh in
Going backwards and all January abstinence gains have gone south