2024 Races

Fantastic result @buzz

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That is a result :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:. Nice

Noticed @Tupperware has also been turning out some monster training runs on Strava, wouldn’t be surprised to see a similar marathon smashfest appear soon ??


Awesome work fella, have you gone sub 3 before?

I’d be incredibly surprised if he hadn’t. I’m sure @buzz was a full on speedster in years gone by as well.

Yes, on 3 previous occasions. Not to scare anyone, but the last time just preceded a global pandemic.


It was madness… :rofl: running along the shingle beach, through mud bogs, streams, off camber muddy fields, super slippy downhills, cliff side steps…up, down, up, down. Great fun though
I saw the winners time and thought how the heck can anyone run 7min/mile pace on that course…crazy


Honestly. When i watch him run, it looks like his feet barely touch the ground. He’s an annoyingly humble and lovely lad as well, so i can’t even hate him! :rofl: tbh i think if he got proper coaching and went to live up in the lakes or something, he’d be in a GB trail vest in no time.

Great effort though!


In my yoof, I always said I wouldn’t run a marathon until I retired from proper running. My first marathon was done after I’d had knee surgery on an ITB issue which effectively ended my track career, so I guess that is true. My 2nd marathon was my last race before I decided to do more swim bike training and take up this proper retirement sport called triathlon. Not going to hit those times again 15 years later…


Is that Sam? He did look like he was hovering at Norm’s. I don’t like him much :joy:

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Withdrawn from the Half Oner in April :cry:


On the start list for Turkey.


Outstanding :clap:

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Woohoo! Nice one @doka

You’ve certainly been putting in the hours!

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Brilliant, any idea how to follow?

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Don’t think so, the Cup races are pretty low key.

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nice one mate

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Nice one @Doka , how exciting :muscle:

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Thanks, I think most if not all my competitors are full time athletes though :confused:.


Even sweeter when you crush their dreams to dust then :wink: :muscle:

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