2024 weigh in thread

Slightly over target at 600g off this week, surprising as I ate a bunch of carbs yesterday. Overall on the right track though.



78.6kg. -1.2kg down, from last week.

Pleased with that. Just lots of careful eating, no extra portions and only a couple of sweet treats. Good to see some progress.


I was about 79kg last night which is +2kg from where I’d just about got to and stablized.

I’ve rather fallen off the 16/8 bandwagon in the last 10 days or so, my cheat weekend turned into a cheat week plus the following weekend.

I’ve not attempted running in well over a week when I reaggravated my calf dashing up the stairs and it continued to hurt for the full week. Previously pain was going after a few days. I saw a sports therapist last Thursday and was told I’d probably turned my grade 1 calf tear into a grade 2. Instructed not to run for 4 weeks. So feeling a bit sorry for myself about that and in addition started to come down with a cold, so bucked and started to comfort eat.

Having spent the weekend doing ice/heat and then just heat, today is the start of the exercises I’ve been given (heel raise straight leg, heel raise bent leg, bridges on toes, lunges on toes) and time to get back on the diet!


71.5 kg
Stable after the hyrox madness.


107.7kg & 34.9%
Had a better week for training with all 5 weights sessions completed and managed a couple of 30min cardio sessions too. Had hoped for a bit more progress.


The weight has finally dropped a little after a couple of small increases although body fat is on the rise:

08/01/2024 = 89.2kg and 28.9%
15/01/2024 = 89.3kg and 28.5%
22/01/2024 = 89.7kg and 28.8%
29/01/2024 = 88.8kg and 29.4%

Hoping for a more consistent week this week.


Weight vests breaking out all over the tube of you:


77.5kg - 1.1kg down

Despite spectacularly falling off the healthy eating wagon, on Thursday evening, another solid week of healthy eating and a bit more cycling volume has seen me making more progress. Coming into my more normal body weight range so it might start to get a bit harder to keep taking weight off.


Stall week, no change whatsoever. These things happen, but probably something to do with the massive gluten free cake I was given at work this week.



First drink of the year on Friday night and still not back to a decent sleep pattern :face_with_monocle:

Munched a lot of biscuits this week but back to healthier eating next week

Firmly in the 72’s now though which is good


Just realised I missed a week so:
5th Feb - 107.1kg & 34.3%
12th Feb - 106.5 & 34.0%

It’s taken me 5 weeks to get back below my freak first week when I dropped 4kg in one go and then rebounded the next week.
I feel this is now genuine steady progress and trying to incorporate a few cardio sessions along with the weight training seems to have really helped.


Lightest weight for a bit, strength work still “ ok “


The above was 18 days ago (25th Jan). Yesterday I was 84.7. Happy with that. I’m just ticking over with no over strenuous exercise but the main difference is less chocolate and alcohol (a lot less). I think I’m maybe sleeping better because of it but I do love a lager and/or a rum and coke (which I had a couple of each at the weekend). I was 84.6kg at the start of December so getting back to there is good.

Well done to all the others who are slowly but surely chipping away at it.


77.7kg. +0.2kg. Not too disappointed as I’ve been off this week and except for one long ride I’ve been very lazy. Back at work, next week, so should be back into my eating routines and also moving a lot more.


73.1 - headed in the wrong direction - boo


106.2kg & 34.1%

Was hoping for better as managed a few cardio sessions, as well as my usual weight training last week but at least it’s going in the right direction still. (I can’t get excited about 0.1% bodyfat up or down as I just don’t have that much faith in the accuracy)


New Salter App tells me my “Lean Body Mass” is 61.6kg

Is this a useful data point?

Is it a purely theoretical 0% bodyfat number?

Ie, do I have 25kg of thermal casing I could do without, or perhaps just 10-15?

No. Electrical impedance scales are all over the place. Have a piss, drink a litre , the values will change wildly. If you can be arsed track them all and average them and maybe overtime youll see some changes but largely they are junk.

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You could try calibrating it with a sort of Archimedes principle experiment in a swimming pool?

Take a balloon and a 5 litre measuring jug. No-one’s going to judge :lying_face:.

Get in the water. Breathe in, inflating your lungs to the max. Even the skinniest person should float. Then, start exhaling into the balloon. Provided body fat is less than about 30%, then at a certain point, reckon you should start to sink.

What you want to know is how much air is in the balloon at that point. Seal the balloon, submerge it in the jug and record the volume of water displaced. Once you have this number, I think you have enough info to have a good crack at estimating body fat%

An example for a man weighing 70kg:

2500 mls air in balloon when starts to sink suggests 5% body fat
3000 mls … 10%
3500 mls … 16%
4000 mls … 21%


I’m making all this up on the hoof so please don’t blame me if it’s wrong (which is quite likely, bound to have ballsed up somewhere)

The density of fat relative to water is 0.92 and the density of lean tissue is 1.06 and the density of air is effectively 0.

The body is made up of F kg of fat + L kg of lean and this = W kg in total.

  • F + L = W.

At the point the body starts to sink in water, it will have a relative density of exactly 1 which means its volume in litres will be equal to its weight in kg. By estimating what volume of air remains in the body, you can estimate the volume occupied by (F)at and (L)ean tissues.

  • F/0.92 + L/1.06 = W - (lung capacity - exhaled air)

Perhaps the weakest link in this experiment is the estimate of how much air is held in your lungs at maximum expansion. This is not easy to measure, because even after maximum exhale of around 4.8 litres for men, around 1.2 litres air remains in the lungs. But 6.0 litres is said to be the average for men so lets go with that.

I think you can distill these 2 simultaneous equations to something like this:

F = 0.395W - 41.8 + 6.97X

where F is kg of body fat, W is dry land weight in kg, X is exhaled volume of air in the balloon in litres.

to calcuate body fat %, 100 * (F/W)

But… uh… if you go much above 30% body fat you’re going to start running out of air to exhale before you sink, so might need to take some weights and adjust the calc.

Also if you get chucked out of the pool, not my fault :smile:

or drown :astonished:

Also, there is every chance this is completely wrong :man_shrugging: Edit: yep I already ballsed up once by using vital capacity rather than total lung capacity in the calcs , but think have fixed that now


Has anyone ever done this?