2025 goals

and we have a winner :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Zurich Marathon Sub 2:50
TCR Top 25
IM WC in Nice AG Top 25

My goals all appear to contain a 2 and a 5


are you also going to be 52? I sense beautiful symmetry


London Marathon - I’d be delighted with a 3:15 but I suspect I’ll look to 3:30. I just don’t think my dodgy knee likes long runs. If it does behave then I’d aim for 3:10. Need to lose a few kg’s quick after Christmas.

If knee behaves then sub-40 at the local 10k in May.

No other goals. Hoping for better weather this summer so we can spend more time in the garden.


Get to the start line in Tallinn in one piece.

Finish Tallinn.


That’s all. And it’s more than enough :smile:


Yes, not worded well to be fair. The whole motorway carried on at 70+ and ignored the signs so had I slowed to 20 it would have been suicidal. I certainly wasn’t playing chicken intentionally :slightly_smiling_face:


That time of year to set unrealistic and unachievable goals. Going a bit more wishy-washy this year rather than solid numbers.

Weight < 100kg
Play majority of cricket matches (assuming Im picked)
Work my way up from playing in the 3rd XI to the 2s
Finalise divorce
Start playing tennis (already signed up for beginners course at DL)
Make new friends
Strength back up to where it was (aiming for around 1.25xBW squat, 1.5xDL, 1xbench

Was going to make a joke about getting laid but need to be somewhat realistic


Mine :grin:

Edit: appreciate I nicked this from another thread :roll_eyes:


Meant this :grimacing::joy:


I’m stealing this one but adapting it a bit…

  • Make a friend

I think I’m going to try to be more sociable in triathlon this year.

David McNamee’s retirement speech moved me when he talked about all the people he’d met and the friends he’s made.

So fair warning, don’t be surprised if I reach out. But don’t feel obliged obvs.

Get involved in a cycle club and more involved in my running club. Probably going to become a run leader soon - turns out a lot of the community already think I am.

I’m seeing if I can set up regular group bike workouts online, but that’s a bit of a long shot. I like to encourage training.


Can relate


I would hope that everyone sees next year out on tri talk
Even the members that don’t paticulary like me or vice versa ?!
Death is so …. Final.


4 of us did Bologna TT on Christmas Eve so that’s one of them lives gone, arguably 2 as it was double.

My goal to fix the roof has taken a step towards urgent. Went up in the loft with a head torch and didn’t like what I saw at all. The felt is crumbling to bits, some of the rafters are rotting, and there’s daylight in at least 3 places. So this year will be the year I think, as soon as we are back. Even if we end up selling the house, it’s going to need a decent hat. Just know it’s going to be a total ballsache of a job- slate, listed building, street fronting, no vehicle access to rear of house, 3 stories , all the scaffolding is going to have to go through the house.

TLDR by 31/12/25 my A goal is to have a watertight roof.


That bollocks any chance of doing a proper job, let alone the cost

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Hold on, gotta make it out of 2024 first.

I’m going to bed at 9pm to hopefully improve my odds.

Update: Some sad news, the salt grinder sadly hasnt made it into 2025. Out of salt and it is a cheap non refillable one.


@fruit_thief - just sell it. You won’t get back the outlay on sale … and if it’s “unmortgageable” then your buyer will find that out and you won’t be out of pocket.

Goals for me?

Don’t be a dick.
Piss my wife off less.
Help my daughter with her GCSE options.
Get my haircut more.
Cut my nails regularly.
Get a repeat prescription instead of running out and leaving it a month “as I’m okay” then not being okay :see_no_evil::joy:

The end.


To be kinder, nicer and more accepting …sometimes,
To be more selfish, less of a yes man and issue the occasional F##k Off ……sometimes,
To be thankful for what has happened and for what will be it’s a Yes!

Apologies to sound like a flaky twat lots of family stuff going on at present in plain speech it means be a better Dad/Husband, get working hours under control and try to ride my bike outside a bit more.
Starts tomorrow ……HNY and good luck


The last two posts are kind of my main goals as well.

I have got an idea of some sports and health related ones but they are very much secondary.

I might post them for fun tomorrow.


Got a lot or time for all that.

Good luck!