2025 goals


Someone had to start it…

Atheltically, I’m at what I think is called the pre-contemplation stage. But fixing the roof of our house in Dorset is a recurring entry.


Come on ?!
At least 5 ?!
Ten is better !

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You should also move from Fozzies onto a better brand.


Was going to start one over the weekend but didn’t get round to it. Will update later.

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Sub 5 - 70.3
Sub 90 half marathon
Sub 20 parkrun\5K
Sub 42 10K
Couple of trail races
Try and get into Tokyo 2026
Sub 10:45 at Barcelona (if I don’t defer)

Travel - America in April\May, Copenhagen in June, maybe another capital or two later in the year

Work - go part-time or maybe put in for VS if it happens again

Car - replace the Mondeo

Waffle :roll_eyes::joy:

A few of the sporting targets are rolling ones but definitely slower this time for a couple and I’m in a new age group. Might have a chance of the sub 90 in the early months with the half at York and might do the Boro half again, not far off the 5K either. It might help if I actually ran a 10K. All this depends on the body holding up though.

Going to do a trail race when I’m in America and StG 70.3 but both are mostly low category races. Will probably do a couple of trail\fell races as well. And at a stretch I might have a go at the Bob Graham over 2-3 days if I can get the logistics right.

Haven’t given up on the Cotswold 113 for a faster 70.3. Already having seconds thoughts about bumping Barcelona to 2026, really depends on work and if I can reduce my hours and put in a bit more commitment.

If\when they announce where the 70.3 WC is in 2026 I might see if there’s a chance of going.

The holidays are a long way off yet but looking forward to them, Copenhagen includes the half marathon over the bridge which I suspect might be a difficult race with it being so exposed and there’ll be a long drag from the tunnel to the top of the bridge but I’m really looking forward to it.

Depending on what happens with Barca I might find something else abroad later in the year or a holiday, but more and more places are getting dangerous, don’t think I’d get insured for Georgia atm now :grimacing:

Definitely planning to replace the Mondeo, maybe in May, the GF’s dad is still talking about replacing his Superb which I’d possibly have if he does but I now fancy the idea of an automatic.

Need to see what happens with work, it’s gone a bit quiet about the new team member, but I’m pretty adamant I’ll be at least asking to drop my hours from June\July, but half expecting to be rejected. If another round of VS turns up I’ll probably put my name forward expecting to be blocked again though.


365hrs will do.

An hour a day.
Managed 300hrs this year.

I’ll be able to attempt the Rapha 500 next year, too.

Erm … Dales Divide :see_no_evil:
600km off road over Easter weekend.
Arnside to Scarborough and back.
I’ve always been unavailable, but this year I’m free!

Might attempt the 496 in January again, that gave me a kick up the arse last year.


If all goes to plan 2025 will be my debut Swimrun year, exciting times.

In May there’ll be my apprenticeship/trial by fire at Princes Dock, Liverpool.

Liverpool - WESWIMRUN

In June we’ll be off to France & hopefully I can have a crack at the middle Triathlon du Lac des Sapins…don’t expect a sub-5hrs as the organisers have been lazy & basically doubled up the Standard which is run at the same time.

Plan du Triathlon | BeaujolaisVert - Site Officiel de l’Office de Tourisme

The following weekend is the swimrun at Lac de Vassivière which will have 4.3km swim/19km run.

Swimrun Vassivière devient SWIMRUNMAN île de Vassivière by HEAD

Cars are ok, but I think we might be getting our roof replaced :sob: .

ETA, would love my lot to offer VS but can’t see it at the moment. I do intend to do a bit more volunteering with the Clwydian Rangers. Unfortunately I don’t have that much opportunity atm as most volunteering sessions are midweek to capture the abundant, retired, grey workforce.


That looks interesting. Sadly I’ll be in Mallorca :grin:. At least the turnaround is in Scarborough which always makes me want to turn around and flee back whence I came.


You mean nothing to me now :grimacing::joy:


I know what you’re saying :grin: .A couple of years ago, I would also have looked at me & thought “What a walnut.”

But I’ve found a decent swim group & bizarrely find myself not hating it :man_shrugging:


Well we’ve only got 6 months left of free easy access to a 25m pool, so think I’m going to put it out there and set a goal of a 22m30 1500m before we pack our bags and fly home.

That’s 1m30 /100m pace.

It’s a big stretch but I think maybe not completely unrealistic, as this year managed 1m28/100m for 400m and 1m33/100m for 1000m.

Will need a swim focus & volume though & I’m hoping Santa comes good with that little bleepy thing that you wear under your swim hat.

And then @Jgav appears to have conscripted me into a middle distance in July.


Lose 5kg
Do a tri
Do another marathon
Be less shit


I happened upon an orienteering event on my run on Sunday and do know a few people in the local community, CLOK, tempted to have a look at it

Seemed quite popular as well.


Cunning running.

It’s been a while, but there were often “Come & Tri It” events. There’ll be a variety of courses to chose from & you’ll be looking for the most distance/least technical for your first. The biggest problem with the nav will be getting used to the map scales & not running past your points.

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  1. Toe the start at Copenhagen
  2. Hit the red carpet at Copenhagen
  3. Hit the red carpet at Copenhagen sub 12hrs.

None of those are a given just now.


Certainly aren’t if you’re playing chicken on a motorway :grimacing:


Goal: Win IM 70.3 WC
Objective: Train a shitload

End message.


The whole show !

Big goal !?!

You cant win it because Im going to.


Be alive at the end of 2025