A place for random, light hearted nonsense

Mint, aren’t they?

“100% Endurance” video is ace, too :+1:t3:

Maybe we could do a MSE-esque best super market alternative list.

I’ll go first:

Kellogg’s Fruit n Fibre: All crap except morrisons, because despite what the picture on the box shows is the only one with more than two banana chips in the box

You’re better off with a boiled egg and dippy soldiers. :grinning:


I worked at Sainsbury’s as a student and the staff canteen used all own brand cereals except Cornflakes as the staff wouldn’t eat the Sainsbury’s ones, said they were like soggy cardboard.
ETA - This was over 30 years ago though so things may well have changed since.

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I’m with Andy on this one.
Cereal is for chumps, children and middle aged women.
Same for yoghurt.

Acceptable Breakfast choices as an adult are as follows;

Eggs (with or without toast, with spinach, as muffin cakes etc)
Maybe porridge (if you hate yourself/or are vegan, which is about the same thing)


Thrided. Dont often have breakfast but when I do it will be eggs of some description. Boiled and soldiers normally, poached or scambled occasionally and Eggs Benedict at Christmas.

I am partial to making fluffy pancakes occasionally.

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I shall accept pancakes and waffles, too :+1:t3:

EDIT: if you are having a “bar” of some form for breakfast, you must immediately assess your life choices. A Belvita is what you are given at The Gates of Hell.


Especially when portioned correctly


Needs maple syrup and streaky bacon :+1:t3::joy:

Do you think The Rock knows who Tim Noakes is?
Do you think The Rock gives a fuck about CICO?
Do you think The Rock uses My Fitness Pal?


HE IS THE ROCK :moyai::metal:t5:


America is that way :point_left: mate.

Pancakes and waffles. Pffft.

Cereal (some) and yoghurt are ace. Good mix of fruit, oats, probiotics.

It’s all about the biome don’t ya know.


Where does “fruit” come into cereal or yoghurt?

A cereal is a grain.
Yoghurt is dairy.

Fruit is added. See my :banana:

Stop peddling your Milky Way around here :milk_glass::baby_bottle:

Cereals containing oats? Absolutely minimal looking at what’s at Sainsbury’s shelves.
Cereals containing E numbers, salt, sugar and unpronounceable ingredients? Most of them.

Akin to most shampoo commercials.
Maybe Jennifer Aniston can mansplain #TheScience for us, too :joy:

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Wow. An article that uses the term ‘probably’. Must be #sciencefacts then surely! :joy:

May want to check yo sources (not sauces) there. As there’s a massively growing body of evidence around the biome and gut health. Insomuch as there’s evidence amassing that the gut can ‘think’ for itself as well.

Muesli has lots of fruit and oats.

A banana alone is most definitely not a breakfast.


This post is brought to you by The Milk Board™️


Muesli? :nauseated_face::face_vomiting::nauseated_face:
I’ve got plenty of boxes I can shred to mix with some fruit and oats, thanks.
I last had some in 1998 and my jaw still aches now.

Says the man who works for a dairy :roll_eyes: :rofl:




my go to easy breakfast post exercise is peanut butter and banana on bagel/toast with a bowl of cereal/porridge

or banana bacon and maple on waffle for a treat (double waffle if ive ran!)


I have read a bit about this and have started taking prebiotic inulin fibre. The vagus nerve which is responsible for the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that calms you, the anti fight or flight) connects the gut to the brain, and there is a lot of thought and evidence of how a healthy gut can positively impact mood, sleep and many other things


Yeah they even reckon it can be linked to depression, anxiety, even attention disorders and stuff. I’m not learned enough about it yet, but the wife is listening to a lot of stuff about it. Fascinating stuff.


Yeah absolutely. Anxiety is in many ways an over reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, fight or flight. Stimulating the vagus nerve is proven to counter this. Deep belly breathing, or box breathing can show this as well as it stimulates the vagus nerve.


Has this made you spectacularly windy? It does me.

Honestly, I quite enjoy it, but live alone and work from home