Alan Couzens & KQ - #Sciencefacts

unless they have to run for it…

As in if you don’t do a marathon in under x time, you can’t call it etc…

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If we talk abut swimming, I have yet to see an AOS be able to sprint effectively, they just throw their arms about a bit faster and splash a lot, usually going slower than their warm up :wink:

wonder how many can even go sub 35 for 50, let alone sub 30 here. That should be a winter goal for you all :wink:


Love passing those AOS choppers 15mins into the ride.


I gave it my all at track a year or two back, I can assure you sub 11 was not in the same universe but I was nearly dead. Does that count?


Love those overbikers coming past an hour into the ride, where were you all this time?



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Its a skill that really helps distance swimming also so worth spending time on it in winter.

Trust me #sciencefact water density increases with speed so its like a strength session, technique wise you catch water at speed it feels so much easier to grab at triathlon paces and its fun to mix it up


:trophy: Almost.


Nobody said it couldn’t be a recording error…
(Same session, Form)


Maybe 95% of your maximum speed you can hold for 10 secs or so?

I mean flat out. Like when you’re timing each other to the sea and back. Or I like to play a handicapped race with my eldest. We did it on Woolacombe beach this summer. I gave her a massive head start, but she’s flippin fast. I was going absolutely full gas to catch her!


that was back in April. Definitely couldn’t do it right now with a knacked shoulder


What does AOS mean? I’ve never been able to sprint!

Adult onset swimmer, basically most triathletes

I went to masters and worked on it, still no good, but you watch a decent sprint swimmer, they struggle to climb out the pool after a 100. If i coached a session like some hard swim sets, say 4 x 100 off 15minutes Id get weird looks, and they’d all be about the same time as 4 x 100 off 2.


I think I did a 36.xx once. Does that count?
(I may have gone faster, need to check!)
Diving start, SC pool, tumble turn, must’ve done about 20 strokes max :joy:

I achieved that by;

  1. Reading training plans
  2. Posting about training plans
  3. Drinking brown ale in ‘Spoons
  4. Eating mince pies with red wine
  5. Thinking about training

So to truly test a sprint, meet style, do a 20min WU, easy swim build then sprints off blocks, climb out rest for 15 - 30mins, (can be up to 2hrs in real world) , then 15mins RMAP to get ready with some bands, then do 50 or 100 off the blocks, literally struggle to turn arms over towards end, hang onto lane rope hyperventilating for a minute, try and get out pool, go home.

Ive heard of a US College coach, he does a 25yd sprint session! so morning session is half hour “simulated” warm up, so he might do things like make 15 people swim in same lane, cut it short by 5mins make them sit around a bit generally make it as realistically shit as possible @Chriswim will understand :rofl:. They then go to lessons or whatever for ~ 2hrs. Then for second session its a no pool WU (off your own back) fully suited and 25yd all out. Beat your board time go home for day.



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Back when I could swim :cry::roll_eyes:


If my contributions to the forum are unwelcome, I can fuck off - no problem.

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You missed out the 4 x 100, slacker

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Your welcome :wink: and so are youre contributions. :rofl: