All things wordle

@r0bh - Have a look into most common start/end letters and repeated letters in English etc.

ADIEU - gets the vowel :roll_eyes:
MYTHS - Common letters and Y

Also let’s you know if there’s an O in there or not.
From that, it should be relatively simple.

Last two days, I’d have got it in three.
If I knew about US spelling and wasn’t an idiot.

@gingerbongo - It’s a game. Surely you want to win? May as well just stop training for Cotswold, as that’s “procedural” - just rock up on the day and see what happens? :wink::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s what i’m doing anyway! :rofl:

Maybe. But using the same code every time would make me lose interest. Call it personal preference.


ARIEL yesterday was a good one, but makes the second word less efficient. So I used EARTH today

After ARIEL, you could use DOUGH?

As the people above posted - I’m not mechanising this :slight_smile:

I play sudoku sometimes and I make up my own approach. There are three (I think) standard algorithmic approaches but I’m using probability on the toughest ones at the moment which is quite fun.

For sudoku???
I play that at lunch/supper, too.

X-Wing, swordfish, subset (naked subset), forcing chain…

…I rip through them :smiling_imp:

I mechanise/automate anything I can :rofl::see_no_evil:

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I go PIOUS first, then GRATE. Worked well until until today, when my guesses 3 and 3 gave nothing extra (but I Iromman shuffled over the line on the 6th guess)


Stupid game.

Wordle 209 5/6



So close on #3

Wordle 209 4/6


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Literally had to use emojis to share as I couldn’t share via chrome. Anyway, damn that last letter. #209


FAILED :sob::sob::sob:

I used some derogatory term for a Welshman and wasted a go :man_shrugging:t4:

Wordle 209 X/6




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I have no idea what those two guesses are.

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Same! I can think of maybe one other possibility that goes with the first four letters, but not two!

Wordle 209 5/6


Was fortunate to have enough goes to eliminate letters once the first and last letter were established

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Ha! Maybe that should be the second wordle for today!! Or shall I send you and @r0bh a message?

I think my problem was that there’s an English word used quite often here in Germany, but maybe not so often in England.

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