And now for the gallery... ...what images have you got?

Even crappy hotels look good with some night photography


Home from holiday yesterday, back fmto work today and reviewing the photos.

Mrs snapped this from our balcony at a cottage up in the hills.


One of mine. I was hot in shorts and T shirt with it about 30c


Where were you @Jgav ? For some reason I thought Greece but now I’m doubting- is that the wailing wall in Jerusalem Israel?

Yes, Israel and the photo is from the wall. Got my floating in the dead sea photos too.

Going to Greece (Cos) in the summer.


My uncle was a Church of Scotland minister in Israel in the late 70’s early 80’s & shared his time between Tiberius & Jerusalem. We visited when I was 11 & did a lot of touring. From memory we visited Bethlehem, Masada, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, the Gardens of Gethsemane, Western (Wailing) Wall, Dome of the Rock among others. We also swam in the Jordan & bobbed about in the Dead Sea.

Even at that age it was a fascinating trip & although I was pretty ignorant of any problems, I do remember a lot of UN road blocks.


It’s a really interesting place to visit so much to see and do. We went to the site of last supper but decided not to visit Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Easter Monday, thought it might be a bit busy… My sister lives in Netanya and I spent a year in the country but couldn’t make it permanent.

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IsraMan looks like an interesting race - that bike scenery


3100m climbing on the bike. :clown_face:

Tough gig to train for living the UK. 6 hour bike rides in December/January anyone?

Does look good though. Nice warm swim also.


The European or World AG Champs was in Israel a few years back. An ex-Forces friend of mine had an interesting inspection as he was entering the country :grimacing: .


Entry fees are decent. Less than 300 if you dont leave it till the last minute. Only 330 if you do.

I’ve got a half bake plan to do that for my 40th twinned with a family holiday.

Eilat is technically Israel but it’s miles away from pretty much everything else in the country.


Cap de Formentor road, Mallorca. Sadly the last few k to the lighthouse are closed, and the road blocked off, causing absolute pandemonium amongst the hundreds of hire car driving entitled tourists who are ignoring the clearly signed road closure only to have to do an Austin Powers 1000 point turn at the barrier. FFS. Views were great though.


Mrs W went on a work trip to Israel a few years ago. At the time her parents were living in Cyprus, so she flew home via Cyprus so that she could spend a weekend with them.

She got pulled by security on her way home and interrogated for about an hour because she was a woman travelling by herself on business and taking an “unusual” route home.

Funnily enough, she’s vowed never to go back to Israel :roll_eyes:


That’s a nice ride. It’s a pity the road is closed. Corniche next for you :+1:

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Is something happening in Mallorca this week? Got a few cycling friends who are over there at the moment.

I think it’s the Majorca 312 sportive at the weekend, but my Strava feed has been full of Majorca rides for the last few weeks.


TT’s own Alice Hector won the women’s race that year.

I was interested in what @GRamsay meant by a nice warm swim … 22C. Feck me, that’s practically par-boiling. :face_with_thermometer:
Give me Snowdonia in September any day :swimming_man:


Im a pussy when it comes to open water and the cold. It was 15 when i did Consiton and that was miserable.


When the lochs hit 15 degrees I do a dad style happy dance :grinning:

One of the most miserable race swims I’ve ever done was a day in the lakes. Ulswater was low double digits and waves big enough to barrel roll me. Thankfully they cut it down to one lap which meant we could get our frozen arses out onto the bike and straight into storm force heads winds.