Any Mathematicians here?

I prefer

Pete has 20 pounds. It’s £4 a pint. He’s in a round with 3 others, but he’s drunk. How much change will he get?


Ha ha I still remember a class conversation with our theoretical maths teacher on differentiating from first principles, I just kept saying “But, why?” Eventually he conceded “Because it’s fun!”:sweat_smile:


We don’t have enough information about the dice.

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Touché :person_fencing:

GB will get £0.00 change

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Poet I just sat down and tabulated the probs, reckon it’s 122/216 that B wins- is there an easier way (and is this miles off?)

About the q above, believe it was not necessary to solve by induction although that was one possible approach

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Correct. As I’d walk off without it!


GB will have a limp from a pocket full of shrapnel at the end of the night, which might just about buy him a pizza or kebab for the walk home :rofl:

And if he’s really lucky, a duck pond photo :grimacing:


:joy: Those were the days. Always came home with a ton of change! New note every time you got to the bar! :joy:


I’m feeling pretty thick following this thread, there’s obviously some very clever people on here. I did actually enjoy maths at school but hated algebra :roll_eyes: and only left with a low grade o’level.

I’d like to have another go one day, but not sure that will happen. My sister did get a maths degree and was a teacher for a short time in it.

For some terrible reason I fell into IT :slightly_frowning_face:, maybe I should have got a proper job.


So close!!!
I think??
Sorry for the notation

((1 - 1/36) + (1 - 4/36) + (1 - 9/36) + (1 - 16/36) + (1 - 25/36) + (1 - 36/36))/6 = (35 + 32 + 27 + 20 + 11 + 0)/216 = 125/216

IRL, I’d just write some code to iterate, flag the win and spit out the result :see_no_evil::man_shrugging:t4:


You can’t kill anyone, get to sit inside and be warm (server rooms excepted) and it pays well (relatively)?

But you want to kill everyone :joy:


Nice :+1: got my adding up sum wrong


This is like TT maths test thread :nerd_face:


Ive suggested otherwise to pharmaceuticals companies.

I hated probablility… we weren’t friends… and i’ve got a first degree that was largely mathematics.

I did S levels math, and one of the questions that had me flummoxed for a while was… 2 goats both staked separately in a field, on ropes 4m long. The two stakes are 6m apart. What is the area of grass that they can both reach?

My maths paper in my final year asked me to prove V=IR from Schroedingers wave equation… bastards!

{\displaystyle i\hbar {\frac {\partial }{\partial t}}\Psi (x,t)=\left[-{\frac {\hbar ^{2}}{2m}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}}+V(x,t)\right]\Psi (x,t),.}

In fairness, 30 years later, I wouldn’t have a friggin’ clue where to start… :joy:


I love the counter intuitive stuff in probably.

Things like how many people do you need in a room before it’s highly likely 2 will share a birthday?
Or things like “The Monty Hall problem”


My crack at the goats, no idea if correct

Fraid your on your own with Schrödinger’s wave equation