My 2007 P2C has no internal guides. You can either just wing it and poke about with the new cable which will either take 5 mins or 2 hours based on luck. Or you can snip the old cable at the shifter and glue the old and new cables together temporarily and use the old cable to pull the new one through. Or pull some strong thread or monofilament fishing line through the frame in a similar fashion and then use that to pull the new cable through. I’ve usually been ok with the poke ‘n hope method.
My 2017 P3 has no internal routing. I ran DI2 and it was a pain. BB was already out as I was building it from scratch. Pretty sure its going to be a mare with it in place.
Cut the sable at the derailleur then slide something like this along the cable into the cycle:
Once it comes out of one part of the bike, pull the cable through it and then cut it off at the derailleur end.
Leave that bit hanging out of your bike then slide it up the next bit, usually the down tube until it comes out at the top. Pull it through again and snip it off and then it should be fairly easy to reverse the process to fit a the cable.
That sheathing is only a bit bigger than the cable it’s self so unless you have minute tolerances, it should take less than 5 minutes for subsequent cable swaps.
Coming back to this I can report all is well. Decided to tackle this after necking a couple of espresso martinis tonight…
I only changed the inner cable as everything else looked fine. Pulled it out, popped the new one in. It did poke out the frame under the bottom bracket but with the use of an electrical screwdriver it was quite simple to guide it out of the rear chain stay.
No idea why but I had to re adjust my limit screws. Bike wouldn’t adjust into either the top or bottom gear. Took the chain and cable back off and adjusted those then all was golden.
Hopefully you all won’t see a post on the rant thread on Sunday with a rear mech through a rear spoke…!
Got ready to ride to work this morning and realised something wrong with my rear derailleur. The first pulley wheel was rubbing up against the casette, no matter what gear it was in. Felt very wrong & made a bad noise so I turned around & took my wife’s bike.
But what could be going on? It is like there was no tension at all keeping the guide pulley away from the cassette. The other one, the tension pulley seemed to be doing its job OK & the gears were shifiting up and down. (I didn’t actually know that’s what they are called but am borrowing terms from the pic below)
Check the cable hasn’t snapped. Other than that is the adjustment screw sitting on the drop out ot has it slipped off. Check the spring inside the derailleur has that broken.
You say same in ever gear so that would be mean you can shift ruling out the cable . Odd as that would be the most likely candidate.
Yes, it moves in and out & shifts. It was not seized, the opposite. It seemed as if there was no resitsance at all to the guide wheel being pulled back up against the cassette.
Was in a bit of a rush to get to work so didn’t investigate properly, will do some proper checks back home this evening.
Probably something I have done wrong to break it when changing wheels at the weekend
The fact that it moves and rubs on every gear would suggest this, there is nothing for the spring to push against. Either that or the drop out has a bit snapped off or the internal spring is FUBAR.