Bike storage

Just over 2 months

Way quicker than they were suggesting then? That’s getting close to half the max lead time you were indicated. I ordered mine at the end of May, and was quoted something like 20 weeks at that point, so fingers crossed they exceed that as well!

For round to putting up the internal shelf and hooks then did some organising. Can fit loads in there.


We were talking about this again. Really need to buy something like this.

Nice. I bought the bundle in the end which also comes with those bits. Got the first delivery update a few weeks ago but we’d have been away so I’ve had to delay them.

Seeing as we have the builders in anyway, I’ve spoken to them and am hoping they can take a notch out of the foundations of our front wall. That’ll allow it to be rotated in a much more accessible way, which would be worth the expense.

Had mine built in the back garden for months, but our builders are finally done (including replacing the front windows) so I can now move it out front.

We had the builder chip a little bit of the base of our front wall out so it will fit sideways on.

First step, constructing the base. Managed that today. Took a while, but think it’s come out fairly well.

Just need to convince a friend to come and help me with the deconstruction and reconstruction another day now. I’ve suddenly realised the OH helped me lift the roof on when I originally built it, and I don’t think at nearly 7 months pregnant that should be something she’s now helping me with!


Now in situ


Looks good!

What size did you get?

Have you got a ground anchor inside also or just relying on the casing to protect?

Thinking of getting one to put out front of our house, but in a conservation area so need to find out if it’ll be allowed. Have place inside for wife and is more expensive road bikes but wanted an outside storage option for kids mtb and mine when get one.

I don’t have a ground anchor for mine. It’s got a metal floor. It’s also out of sight of the road so less of a worry.

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Thanks @Jgav

Mine would have to be out front as no easy way to get bikes through the house

No, I haven’t used the ground anchor bolts. I could possibly do so now I have laid the base, but I didn’t have time to consider those yesterday. At 138kg before any contents, if someone wants to try and move it in plain sight of the street, they’re clearly committed and can have it. It’s also wedged in their fairly snugly, with no real space around, so not much chance for anyone to get a huge amount of leverage to try and force it open.

I have this one: Bike Storage x3 Police Approved | High Security Metal Bike Storage Asgard

I got the bundle pack, and my club had a 10% off voucher I think. Can’t remember how much it was when I bought it. It’s got to be well over a year that I ordered it, and it’s been ages since I first build it in the back garden too


Love how they have a GB curler promoting it :joy: (among the others)

I have the same one. No ground anchor but I do have an old school 50lbs weight in there which the bikes are locked to.

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an old thread but thought I’d post this here - nothing to with external store ideas but wall mounts for bikes. I came across this site this morning and have to say this seems one of the simplest means of wall mounting bikes at not a bad price (assuming you have the wall space of course). No idea if it works well - no reason it shouldn’t - but thought it was worth posting about.


That’s handy to know, thanks. If the new house goes through we’ll have a decent sized garage, so will need a snazzy solution for our many bikes. It’s got a lot of vertical space as well, so I need to think about it aoulley system for roof box and kayaks to up upwards.

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Cycloc have done an equivalent for years. The Hero.

I had two of the Solos in my old flat roughly a decade ago.

The issue with the Hero model, and the one you posted, is it only works for the one bike you measure it up for. The Solo, and other mounts working off the top tube as the anchor, can basically have any bike put on them.

You don’t need a snazzy solution.

Just some metal shelf runners, the slotted holder things and some wood.

£36 per bike is mental. Plus, you’ve lost all of that wall space anyhow :woman_shrugging:t2:

Seems like a terrible “solution” to me :female_detective:


I didn’t know Cycloc did similar. I’m familiar with the Solo as I remember when it launched - won some design awards if I recall. But it didn’t really work with MTBs which don’t always have a straight(ish) top tube like roadies although you can get a bar that fits across from stem to saddle post that mimics a top tube - I use that on my 2 MTBs that are on a wall mount system.

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I have this rail system from Amazon, cheap and configurable. Pretty space efficient too.


I like that, have just been installing some hooks myself and might have gone for a rail if I’d not already bought the hooks a few months ago.

Admittedly the hooks were £5.50 from Decathlon so somewhat cheaper.

Turbo will go in the space, just deciding whether to set it up now or keep riding the summer bike outdoors for a bit longer.