British Cycling - the golden years are over

He said in one of his books that whenever they went anywhere his wife always used to carry the luggage to and from the car because it was important that he didn’t risk injury doing it himself :rofl:


Are these the books where he never mentions having asthma?

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Just ignored when the same journalist writes

Do journalists have a point any more? (Should be in the rant thread obviously)

Surely the comparison would be Brailsford and Bruyneel? Armstrong was just guy (an almighty fucking douchebag but just one guy) Bruyneel oversaw and greenlit the whole cheating programme.


After Teos win and Hugh Carthys very credible third place in the Vuelta, I think we’re in a good place!


Simon (and Adam) Yates hasn’t suddenly turned into a bad rider either.

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It would appear the track golden years are disintegrating ahead of Tokyo. 1 coach booted out and the other resigned. Concerning :thinking:

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On the other hand the GB team topped the medal table at the Euro champs


Yeah so why is the best coach leaving before Tokyo?

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No idea. People leave jobs all the time for many reasons :man_shrugging:

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I’m sure the Olympic postponement has screwed with a lot of people’s lives. When your career revolves around a 4 year cycle, and you maybe planned to retire or change direction after Tokyo, resetting for another year must be really hard. Especially when there is currently no guarantee that the games will happen in 2021 either.

Maybe they already had a post-Olympic position lined-up, and couldn’t or didn’t want to postpone any longer.


I’m guessing Manning is going to pop us national coach somewhere else. He’s only 46 and has been a full time rider or coach for most of his working life, so he must have something lined up elsewhere to pay the bills.

Presumably most of the support staff have contracts aligned to Olympic cycles, so his contract would probably have been up this year anyway and it’s a natural time to move on (in normal, non-covid times)

It’ll be interesting to see how contracts evolve now. Clearly is a “4 year cycle” contract so he’s gotten out while he can. I’m sure the future contracts will state “following 20xx olympics”. I wouldn’t be happy as part of the athlete squad with all the shuffles.

Didn’t he try to continue to do this just after a tour had finished and she told him to f-off?

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So Freeman found guilty and story about Sutton’s, ahem, special needs not believed.
Will he go down quietly or spill his guts?


Hope he spills tbh; I wonder if there are a couple of knighthoods at stake.

I wonder if he was smart enough to keep a USB drive.

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He is a horrible cove, being paid by the upright and honest folk at British Cycling to look after the health of good British riders but then off he goes buying dope to supply some jonny foreigner competitor, sullying the good name of all his British riders.


am happy to do guided tours to a certain gentleman’s house so you can all throw rotten fruit over his rather elaborate gate… :slight_smile:


I had to Google ‘cove’ when referring to a person!

In my head I always associate it with you military types talking “negative adjective” cove of the sort who aren’t quite meeting proper British values. I have no idea why I have that impression.