Chickens, hedgehogs, rats, hamsters, yada

Mrs FT hatches some with her class every Spring, then gives them back to farmer Giles when they start to get big and smelly

This year they seem to want to hatch over a weekend so she brought them home as they are likely to need some TLC


The hedgehog :hedgehog: has been back recently and is here now, been wolfing down a decent bowl of food the last few nights so wondering if there’s another coming as well.


2 hatched overnight

Scrawny little things

3 more eggs have tiny beak holes, no sign of life from the other 2

(Apologies for stealth trotter shot)


Kids will be gutted! They do this at my little one’s school as well. The girls loved it.

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Having seen a bloke a few weeks ago who thought that it was a good plan to take his 2 rabbits to Hyde Park for a run around, despite the fact that there’s dogs everywhere, today there was a guy who’d brought some sort of a rare breed chicken out for a walk :flushed:.

I assume these people live in flats with no outside space and that’s why they bring their animals to the park :roll_eyes:


It amuses me when they take their pets camping with them. I’ve seen cats, rabbits & parrots in pens or cages taken over to France :smiley:.


5 hatched now, and have dried out and fluffed up nicely


Our hedgehog :hedgehog: must have insomnia due to the warm weather, currently eating a big bowl of food over 2 nights!

Saw it wandering off last night with some leaves in its mouth for bedding :joy:


Last couple of years we fostered 7 rabbits. Ended up adopting 4 of them.

Decided no more. But no my wife and daughter have been suckered in and now we are fostering a gerbil.

So thats 2 kids, 1 dog, 4 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, and a gerbil now.

A bloody zoo.


Handing over these guys to their new keeper this evening

A 12 year old boy from my wife’s old school. About the same age our son was when he first started pestering to get them.

We joked that we’d still have them when he went off to uni… Guess how that worked out :see_no_evil:

Bit sad to see them go, they have become part of life with their funny little habits like bathing in sand, nipping each others tails to settle fights, and flicking their droppings across the room.

Only a bit sad though, tbh

Hope they have a happy rest of their rodent lives, bye fellahs. :mouse2::mouse2:


I was surprised by our two guinea pigs and how different their characters are. Never thought they would have had much of one I guess.


One of our bunnies is ill. Went to the vet earlier and got some medication but he’s gone down hill. Now at the emergency vet.

£385 so far but thankfully he’s insured.

Hope the little fella is ok.


Little chap didnt make it. Vet thinks it is a parasite, seems he had a stroke last night, then another worse one overnight, had to be put down. Poor guy. His little mate is now left all on her own as well.

Got to treat the other rabbits just in case and trying to find out if there is a risk it can pass to the dog also.

Plus one of the guinea pigs has got cancer, cant do anything about that.



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Oh no, poor little thing :disappointed_relieved: Hope his mate will be okay :pray:

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Thanks. She seems ok. We do have other rabbits next to her and she has been out in her garden a lot more. Think its nice for her to see them.

We will have to adopt another one as she cant live alone for that long, shes only 1.5 years. Seems there are companies that do a bonding service so they go and stay bond with another rabbit and then you bring both home. That will be good. When one of our guinea pigs died we adopted another and they hated each other so now they live in a split upstairs downdstairs cage.


here’s a new one to me.

this fellah was on our drive this morning

I’m guessing/ hoping a lost pet.

message on the community WhatsApp group, see if anyone claims him.


Is it the German trolling you about your run pace?


Don’t tortoises live naturally in Qatar?

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well, no-one’s claimed him yet. He has decided he prefers to be indoors, and is currently having a kip in a dark corner behind the kitchen door. He has also done a massive tortoise poo.