Commuting & Winter Riding Thread

Tootled home before it got dark, one buff and normal gloves were fine but still ice on some puddles and cars that hadn’t been in the sun were white over.


If you put your warm hand in a cold glove, it cools your hand down. If that triggers vasoconstriction before the glove warms up then your hand and the gloves pretty much stay cold. With a warm glove, your hand is always in a warm environment so you don’t get vasoconstriction, so there’s always warmth from your hand to keep the glove warm. But I guess it depends how much your hands shut down when they’re cold. Mine go like sausages in the fridge!
Always shove my gloves up my jersey if I have to take them off for more than a few seconds as well - same reason.


Had a family meet-up over the weekend in The Lakes & swapped some presents.

I was chuffed to get some Stolen Goat winter gloves…love a pair of gloves me :grin: .

14degC this morning & wearing mitts :hot_face: :man_facepalming: .


What a great night for my first commute home in ages. Fix puncture. Prep bike. Check lights. Set off. Puncture. Continue riding with a flat. Then the dry night turns out to be a torrential night. Feeling disappears from toes. 2hrs of crap ride.

So looking forward to saving money by bike commuting through Jan and Feb :sob:

Hope everyone else is staying safe out there.



Grim @joex
I did most of my commute today in the dark, in shorts and a T-shirt.
First lighter morning of the winter - be summer soon :slight_smile:


Might be a good time to re engage the tritalk collective as I’m not thinking straight.

Note: I always run my thumb around the inside of a tyre and rim after removing a tube to check for sharp things causing punctures.

My tubes keep exploding on first inflation or puncturing on a ride.

I can’t see anything wrong with the tyre or the wheel.

The punctures/explosions happen in different places on the tube (in relation to the valve)

I inflate to 100.

Am I missing something, what gives?

The latest detonation:


My immediate thought if it keeps moving location is it must be tyre, rather than rim. I had one once where a tiny shard of glass was embedded in the tyre, couldn’t see it or feel it, but it must have just poked out enough when you rode over it to puncture the tube. Found it eventually by going round the tyre bending it in every direction and it poked out enough to see it.
Having said that, I’ve never seen dimbles in my innertubes (corresponding with the spoke holes) like the ones you’ve got. it makes me wonder if your rim tape is too soft/flexible and you’re getting a localised bubble in the innertube where it protrudes down the hole and pops like a balloon.


I was thinking that but looking at the rim it’s been ridden with a flat tyre so I’m now not sure if they were caused pre or post puncture.


This was a new tube this morning - another one exploded at work on inflation previously.

I’ve also not seen dimple bubbles before - indicates this detonation was caused by the dimple or something in it. But it’s smooth as.

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I suppose;

  1. Swap the tyre. Inflate new tube. Ride if it survives for 20 mins.

  2. Swap wheel.
    Might need to buy something. Not sure my old wheel can be swapped Campag 10 to Shimano 8 easily.

Any better ideas?

Your rim tape looks gone.
I’m just guessing that from the bubbles in the tube, as they appear to be conforming to the spoke holes.

Also, are they the right size tubes?
They look like 32, not 25 :person_shrugging:t3:
As in, they just look super wide.

Changing a freehub isn’t too hard.
But I’d just bin those wheels, as the rim looks knackered.
You can get some naff OEM RS11 (or similar) from eBay for ~£80.

You know, the basic stock wheels that come with bikes and people sell for cheap :white_check_mark::+1:t3:


You’re not trapping the tube in the tyre when you’re putting the tyre back in?

That’s easily done if the tyre is tight on the rim :man_shrugging:

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Partially inflated the tube, usually do just to see if it’s inflating.

Can you put 25s on a 28 rim? Even if it’s just for testing a tube/tyre.

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That was a 700x 18/25C tube in a 28mm gatorskin.

The rims are supposed to take up to 35, but came with Kenda 28. I will say the Kenda 28 looks a lot wider than the Gator 28…

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This - and that’s an awful lot of deformation into the holes for 100psi - are you sure that’s all you’re putting in? It’ll differ which spoke is pushing through the rim tape and piercing the tube as it will depend on the load on the wheel and flexing of the spokes at the point it goes.

But yes, new rim tape.

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Rim tape I have, will search it out.

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Wouldn’t have this problem with tubeless.

Plenty of other problems maybe, but punctures inner tubes solved…


Thanks for the chat. Came to me overnight - swapped in the ten speed campy wheel and it shifts fine. Quick adjustment to brake caliper and off to work. :+1:


After a week of terrible weather but empty roads, it was a lovely crisp day for riding to work today, but the roads and cycle lanes were mad again :frowning:


With sickness, holidays and the monsoon weather - had only ridden in once in December, so forced myself to get back into routine.
Roads outside looked dry and despite fresh didnt seem too bad.
Only our road didnt have frost - not a good sign. Got towards the river and everything got a bit whiter.

Down one side road and the flood water looked a bit shiny. Sensibly stopped, got up on the path and carried on with a bit of steam on the glasses.

Carrying zero speed, then noticed all that flood water and been splashed up onto the path … and was also looking a bit shiny!
Already too late… and bike just goes out from under me.

First proper off in 15 years of commuting!!

No damage - I dont think.

Tried to wave down the MTBer following a minute later. With no lights and earphones in… and going far faster than I - the inevitable happened and down he went sliding passed me.

Anyone coming the other way will be downhill carrying 20mph without any effort… cant imagine how many will come off.