Commuting & Winter Riding Thread

Sounds like you got lucky and missed soem of the barriers further up, where there are some very narrow A frame types. They’re narrow enough that when running I have to turn sideways (and it’s not because I have massive broad shoulders). On one of them somebody has scrawled ‘no fatties allowed’, which goes some way to highlighting how exclusionary these things can be, even if done in jest.

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I followed the path from the docks to Clydach, 11km (just checked on Strava).

All the messing about was at the docks where there was a lot of building work going on and I had to follow my nose for a bit

Yeah, the barriers are on the next section north around Pontardawe. Given their location I’m sure they were intended as anti-scrote devices, just badly designedimplemented. Several sections around the docks with long-term closures for building and no obvious diversions or signage - fine for a local, not ideal for visitors.

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I’ve put my bike into the LBS - one that has never heard of 11 speed cassettes, and deals with car registration plates. Just to set the scene. The old guy who runs it is nice though.

Turns out he’s putting a “screw on” wheel in. Which, in an ironic flip, I’ve never heard of. Does this only mean I need to carry a spanner for the inevitable puncture tomorrow, or is it worse than that?

Strike that


That’s half a new SS decathlon commuter.

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Not early on a morning :biking_woman:t3::dash: :+1:t3:


Ok, I’m out.

4 rides, three punctures. 75% fail rate.


User error :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I outsourced it, removing JoeX from the equation…

Three different tyres, wheels, umpteen tubes and two fitters.

So it’s either the bike or south east London really is as shit as people say.

Punctures happen at a variety of places. I wondered about the cable car and bike storage as unusual route factors but can’t think of any reason they would.

Pannier weighs about 5kg and I’m 86 to nothing outrageous there.

I’m plodding, not racing.

There are industrial areas on the route I don’t think I can avoid, but punctures sometimes before I get there.


I need to save money, this ain’t saving money.

I think the old dude put on a “Lugano” . The Gatorskin I used helped a bit.

Anyone know Continental Contact Urban or Schealbe Marathon Plus?

Anyone use Slime for winter commuting?


Had some Scwalbe marathon plus. IIRC they were incredibly hard to get on and off.

I’m currently using these guys on my commuter, 410g of puncture protection:

That said , have had 2 punctures in the last 2 weeks but it seems to be murder thorns season


Spent an hour searching and on bike rolling resistance

The slowest most bullet proof cheapos seem to be the


yeah, they look decent. 502g sounds solid.

I’m not sure tyres are going to make a difference.

Gators did me well when I did 9hrs/week through winter. But I had gators on weds.

Have to tried tubeless?

no, it’s on the "one day’ list along with electronic shifting, disc brakes, fixing the roof etc


@joex - I say this as the knobber who punctured three times at IMUK :joy::roll_eyes::face_with_peeking_eye:

I use Vittoria Rubino Pro 2.0+ 28mm with phat tubes. I’ve punctured on the commuter once in 15 years. And that includes farm track shortcuts, cobbles, canal paths, off road and City centres.


We’re like Mr Glass and Unbreakable


Schwalbe Durano Plus 28mm

That’s what you need

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Just over half the puncture resistance of a Vittoria randonneur, according to BRR anyway.

I think it’s fair to rule out the wheels now so I’ll build the original wheel as a spare with tube and tyre. Despite having ridden it flat.

I had my first cycle commute in about 6 weeks today and the first to the new office.

It was a beautiful sunny morning and it was nice to be back out on the fixie. It’s basically the same commute as before to Hyde Park Corner and then up Park Lane to Oxford Street and then up to Baker Street. 9.5km in about 30 minutes and quite a pleasant ride.

I’m doing the same route in reverse more or less to get home, so we’ll have to see how that goes. :roll_eyes:


And just as home time approaches, the skies have darkened and it’s drizzling