Creatine monohydrate for teenagers

I don’t think he should take it. There are better ways of finding out if his liver and kidneys function well….


If he wants to build muscle mass, first he must train and then eat enough that the muscles are able to adequately repair and grow. Id be concentrating on protein intake up aroung 1.5g/kg maybe even 2g. He will need enough carbs to give the energy to train and so that the protein can do its job of repairing and building muscles. He will “bulk” up. Creatine will not help with any of that, it simply may help him to train a bit harder. Get the basics right first, then in a few months maybe think about creatine then wait another few months.


All of this. Only other thing I would add is get your form right. Poor form leads to injuries and will happer progression


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So @Hammerer I think you’re saying this isn’t needed.

He’s taking it 7x per day for 7 days, 3g each time.

As predicted he won’t listen to any discussion, or even the same article he’s referencing:

Yeah 3-5g once a day is pretty much all you need

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Pretty much, i bet there is contradicting “old” advice out there. Always is but stick to standard dose


I remember back to my bodybuilding days when Creatine first became popular and people made all sorts of claims about putting on muscle mass really quickly but it was all temporary. They did put on weight and their muscles did look bigger but (from memory) it was just fluid being drawn into the muscle and it went as soon as they came off the Creatine again.
I’m in the same camp as Hammerer really, with the exception of the dodgy illegal stuff, there aren’t really any shortcuts, train hard, keep increasing the weight or reps and get plenty of protein but it’s an incredibly slow process unless you’re extremely genetically gifted or the aforementioned juice, or both.


If they didn’t train to keep it there, that’s what you’d expect…
