Dissect my run form!

I fundamentally disagree. Humans have been running for millenia and it’s not killed them. Yes, people get injured, and yes, there might be a better way to run that is more preferable, but just telling 75-85% of runners to stop is just going to stop people running. I recall now your point on parkrun, and I disagree with that as well. So my bad for engaging on a topic that we are never going to see eye to eye on.

That said, I do entirely agree with Chris’ last comment above. A forum, by its nature, is a place for sharing things. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you actually give someone advice, or point them in the right direction. Your blanket “stop running” response, with no contextual information that we are now beginning to drag out of you, is a prime example. For the benefits of the general forum user, that initial response was little more than trolling.

GB said something similar on another thread:

Your response seems to miss the point that people are on this forum, for the very fact they are not lazy. They are actively engaging in things they want to learn more about because they arent expert in those areas. The whole sharing of ideas is what makes a forum tick. Take @Hammerer with his swimming guidance for example. I know a lot of people get a lot of benefit from that, and across the years, he has appeared to get some personal reward by people checking back in with their improvements as a result of his advice.