Favourite film

Heat - I know @GRamsay has mentioned that


Speaking of Nolan, I quite like The Prestige.

Also The Big Short and The Man From Uncle. They’re not the best, but I think they’re v cool

Also The Big Lebowski

I think The Departed is good but Infernal Affairs is much better IMHO. But do love HK cinema

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Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem by Daft Punk is a favourite in our house. Banging soundtrack, great story and lots little easter eggs in the visuals. The only tragedy is that it was made in 1.33:1 format printed on 35mm, so is looking a bit dated on widescreen now.

Close second is Kevin & Perry Go Large. Never fails to raise a laugh and the soundtrack is joyous. Had a great moment at work a few weeks ago when 2 total clowns came strutting across the warehouse side by side just as Adagio for Strings came on the speakers. I just pointed at them and said “Kevin & Perry” and everyone fell about laughing as they knew exactly what I meant.


You’ve seen Pulp Fiction right?
Also up there on the brilliant from T is Django: Unchained but a few other movies of my faves (classic and modern):

Mad Max: Fury Road
The Wolf of Wall Street
Forest Gump (I still get confused that young teens quote the line when im out running. Like how is this movie even in their zeitgeist?)
Interstellar (Still one of my favourite quotes “It’s not possible”, "No, it’s necessary)
Terminator 2
Saving Private Ryan
Enemy at the Gate
Full Metal Jacket (How tall are you private? :rofl:)
21 and 22 Jump Street
Hot Fuzz (Police man-officer-Police man officer :rofl:)

Also, I know its not everyones thing but im a bit of a nerd so if you’ve got a Disney+ subscription the Marvel Cinematic Universe is something that I think is a special piece of movie making. People always talk about films get spoiled by their sequels but the MCU could be in some ways regarded as a 23 movie series. Not ever movie is 5* but to have character arcs and development, Chekhov’s gun’s and seemingly meaningless details paying off after up to 48 hours later is an incredible piece of director foresight. I know its complete fantasy and there are elements that you just have to accept as part of allowing the story to make sense but the fact that characters have faults that give rise to the mistakes they make, obtain well-earned redemption and get the pay off for the work they’ve done through years of films to me in particular makes Civil War, infinity war and Endgame pieces of movie history that in future should be looked back as cinema that really did something so well that so many have epically failed to do with continuing the story of the hero and villain. I know directors such as Scorsese have criticised them but equally I don’t think he’s done many/any sequels so has alway shielded himself from having to link multiple movies beyond the initial story (for better and worse)


I think I mentioned this before but have a look at Election I & II

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The Departed includes stuff from IA2 as well.

but I’m with you, IA is way more tense and doesn’t telegraph that amazing shock death about 1/2 way in

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All of this.

What they pulled off will never be repeated…EVER

Few misteps along the way (somewhere there is an alternate reality where Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man exists)
Phase 1 films all suffer from a poor third act

but seeing Endgame at midnight in a packed screen will be something that I will treasure forever

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When I listen to movie podcasts or read magazines I often see/hear about directors and what not talking about moments when everyone cheers or claps at a moment in a movie and all I think is ‘is this something that happens in other countries because ive NEVER had this at any of the movies ive been to’

Then came that moment with Mjonir :grinning:

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Was like being at a concert in my screening

The range of emotions in that last 30 minutes

Am half way through a 3 hour podcast with Edgar Wright and QT about why the cinema experience is so good

My favourite quote from QT so far is “Watching a movie at home is like getting a handjob. It’s good, but it’s not a threesome”


Empire Podcast is one of my fave podcasts (always enjoy it on a Friday or saturday driving to parkrun back in the day!)

Cinema is one of the other things that ive missed in lockdown without realising it. Theres obviously been little released in 2020 and I don’t really fancy paying £15 to watch a film on my TV despite having a good setup. I don’t mind paying £4-£5 for rental but much more doesn’t seem good value. Disney+ has been good value though with the mandolorian, Wandavision and we recently rewatched the MCU and finished (almost!) on my birthday with Endgame. Made for a pretty good lockdown birthday as I had a quiet one, ran a marathon, ate too much cake then watched Endgame with some fish and chips!

Yes I’ve seen Pulp Fiction. It’s brilliant, but if I had to choose, I’d pick True Romance…

Still not directed by QT… :wink:

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I just love them

Think I started listening at episode 3

They’ve just dropped the price of the Spoiler Specials if you don’t subscribe already

I watched Free Solo at an independent cinema, it’s the most lively sitting I’ve been to. That and we were watching through our fingers :slight_smile:


I watched it on the at home but what a film. Like you know full well he survives and it’s a success but you just can’t bear to watch incase it was all a lie

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Yeah I didn’t miss that. :+1: His films all look amazing. I’m a bit scratchy on who does what when it comes to films, but I know he did the screen play for this, where as Pulp Fiction was more him running the show.
As has been mentioned above, Forrest Gump is wonderful. Again, just incredible film making.

Free Solo is just insane. Amazing to watch, but that guy had a screw loose…

Dawn Wall is even better. Maybe not so much from a cinematography perspective, but I think it’s a better film overall.

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Agree on Free Solo. One of the most engrossing and terrifying sequences ever that climb.

From memory QT wrote TR and Natural Born Killers to try and make some money to get his directing career up and running

TR was directed by Tony Scott (RIP) so has his signature hallmarks all over it.

It QT had directed it, it would been a very different film

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