GCN/GTN. fallen out of love with Zwift?

Both channels have clips out today featuring the Wahoo/RGT platform. I thought they were heavily partnered with Zwift?

They do both :+1:t3:
Devices are all wahoo. Even the awful tri watches.

They had a Zwift trainer on one, saying they’re gonna review it REAL SOON (like, when it actually works :joy::-1:t2:)


heavily influenced by Wahoo which is one of the reasons I thought the RGT/Sufferfest collab with Wahoo was bad news for Zwift long term. Zwift haven’t done anything meaningful for years now, just tinkering and pointless stuff. The new UI us awful and you can no longer “ride with” meaning meeting at a banner to ride with a mate etc. (unless you organise a group ride) . As for hardware, Wahoo Kickr or Zwift copy. no competition


Have you tried the Zwift one?
Aren’t they all just power meters with cadence?
I can’t see how they can be different :person_shrugging:t3:

Obvs, you want the one which gives you the most power.


obvs :wink:

no, and not sure Ive even seen a review but i’d generally always go with the known brand with a reputation. I have a Neo 1, mainly because the Kickr was like a jet plane at that time, not sure whether Id go Wahoo or Tacx the next time now the problems of noise have been ironed out.

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My Chinese knock off is deathly quiet :heart_eyes:
My chain makes more noise.
It’s insane. :+1:t3:

Also, power pretty much matches my pedals dead on.

I just cannot produce power indoors :person_shrugging:t3::joy:


Hadn’t realised ‘Ride With’ had gone? I haven’t used Zwift since January.

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the new UI has some benefits, like you can exit a ride without exiting the whole application , the main screen you can get to the “shop” and check your route badges rather than after you are in ride, but its a bit cluttered, looks even more “childish” and the ride with was a key thing I used a lot it was fun logging in and seeing a pro name you follow and just jumping in for 2 minutes until dropped, or when I knew a friend was near the top of the alp, log in and ride with down the mountain :wink:

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ooh, curious now :wink:

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