Apparently Joe Skipper has entered.
He can latch onto Chris in the swim
FFS it’s only a potter round the Lakes. Just get some Kendal Mint Cake!
It’s basically a 70.3, isn’t it?
Swim is 5 minutes/400m short.
Bike takes 2hrs for 60km for someone who normally rides 2hrs 20mins for 90km.
Plus, my root canal would not like that!
Meh, he’s not a V50, I don’t care
He has.
But surely he is quarantine now for two weeks?
I wonder how his training is going? If only there was a way we could follow him…
Maybe his Dr. partner told him it’s okay and he doesn’t have to quarantine
I am so looking forward to this race…if it doesn’t go ahead, I will get very drunk (which won’t be much different to most nights anyhow)
I’m buzzing for this as well.
Feel like I’ve finally got some purpose to the year. I’ll be gutted if it’s canned
Where has he been, I thought he only did the 12 hour last weekend?
Either way it’s still 4 weeks to the race.
Hmm, V50, you do realise when you get to the top of Helvellyn you’ve got to head left via Dollywagon Pike
Cheers @jeffb any help is much appreciated.
This is what I love about TriTalk, the selfless help you get
And Grasmere gingerbread
Hmm, some impressive bike rides today with a bit of climbing going on
I was ON FIRE today (literally, not actually…it was 24kmh winds, only 15 degrees and foggy as soon as we got into Derbyshire)
We did three of the top 100 climbs and three other ones, 1,900m elevation over 118km…got a KoM on a 16km segment from Disley back to Wilmslow on the way home (32.2kmh - the lights were kind!!!) and I PRd every climb.
Brilliant, I think the zigzag path in the background looks like the one you descend.
It looks like you just near the top, what did you think, the drops are steep but not terrifying.
That looks incredible
Is it busy up there today?
Awesome @Doonhamer
Really …?!
The path? Yes, it looks like it, the picture is a bit deceiving TBH. If you see the run I did on a week or two ago on Strava there’s some pictures with the zigzag path you go down across a big valley.