How to be an 'eco' triathlete

haha yeah, I used to get that from my Dad about racing. He was ‘all that exercise isn’t healthy, so and so down the road knows a guy whose sister’s cat sitter dropped dead from too much running’.

Yeah 'cos sat on the sofa watching stricltycomexfactoroniceinthejungle, scoffing Chinese and chugging Red Stripe has never given anyone a heart attack!

I remember lots of cases in the US where I’ve asked hotel reception where a certain place is and I get the answer ‘the cab driver knows it’ and I always say ‘no, I want to walk there’,it’s at this point they look at me like I have two heads! :upside_down_face:

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That might be because they think you’ll get shot!


I think given how the next GFC will be a result of shiny cars on PCP, a bit of an adjustment wouldn’t be a bad thing.

I work in an industry where everyone wants more for less and there is very very little understanding from the customers and public in general on what it actually takes to make this stuff tick.

It’s vastly power consuming and the very generation that are spraying the Treasury with blood and about to leave their disposal tents all over London, are the very generation that can’t live without it.

It’s a complicated issue.


My 6 year old’s school shoes went in the bin with less than 9 months wear last year so we got her new ones near the end of the school year. She’s now terribly upset that she doesn’t have new school shoes for the start of term this year and keeps complaining they’re too small…they’re not. I’m just the grinch who keeps saying no to getting her new shoes just because she wants them.

We get our daughter to help clean her shoes each night. It’s not polishing them, just that moisturizer stuff. Gawd knows what she does in them each day but it teaches her how to make things last (I hope).

i got a load of grief only last week, guy posted a photo of his hanger for medals and i just replied “all mine are in the loft , they will just end up landfill at some point and we shouldn’t hand out participation medals” I got shit form about 5 or 6 “friends” of his because I’m just being “cool” and he is proud of finishing ironman and wants to wear his t-shirts and medals to show people. I just thought cock after that. I would rather a cheaper race and get nothing, or a “finishers discount” to the next race or something. i do it for the race, not the cheap bags and shirts.

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^^ What about a free tattoo :grin:

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But no-one expects an overnight revolution; the change has started and it’s gradual - which is exactly what you propose is the correct way fwd. But despite you acknowledging evolution is the right path, you still preach ‘project fear’ about everyone ending-up in the dole queue :laughing:

You’ll just have to accept that >99% of people here don’t view life through the prism of somewhere like the UAE, and the values it currently espouses.

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What, like an M-dot, or perhaps 1/2M (n?) -dot, or maybe one for Olympic, Sprint, etc etc. Do we have enough skin area for all of our events?

I must admit, not a fan of the tat goodie bags, in fact my first two tris were a mug and an awesome glass paperweight. Tshirts are ok but I do feel embarrassed by them. Having said that I do wear my X with pride and about 12 years ago was very proud wearing my Ben Nevis Tri t-shirt at a beer festival looking the (vane?) part!I also love my X slate medal, and my Etape Du Tour 2007 medal… don’t get me wrong, I don’t salivate over them heh heh.

Agreed tho that there should be a choice - mind you I gave back my Extreme t-shirt as there is no-way I could wear a non-finishers tshirt.

Choice is the way forward as was said earlier, as some value the whole experience (and tat!).

Yes, they could make finisher shirts, rucksacks etc an optional extra at registration; that would knock a whole £6 off the entry!

There’s an idea.

How about a finisher’s discount off any other related event instead of tat?

I remember that my at the time other half won a trout at the Rainow Trout fell race for being first lady a few years ago. Not for a vegan but surely ethical… then we discover that we are overfishing, that discarded nets kill kill kill, and as for the fish farming effluent and waste, blah blah blah - why isn’t life easy!

Maybe you should read what Greta expouses - an overnight revolution is exactly what she demands. She wants the world to do what the scientists say is needed (regardles of any prooof), regardless of circumstances and without question. Its the kind of childishness one gets from four year olds just before a temper tantrum. She has never even given a moment though for the consequences on people.

You’re naive if you think I view everything through the UAE filter. Thats just your cognitive bias. It pays its way whereas Europe is heading for a big crash due to its obsession with unaffordable, unrealistic SJW’s.

Have you noticed she has gone quiet of late ? Gone for a nap no doubt once she realised the US, China and india won’t play her childrens game.

Ha… I don’t mind Greta but yeah there are plenty of advocates on my twitter feed saying EVs are the wrong solution cos they’re still cars etc etc and everyone should be on electric buses & bicycles… but they’re not really able to offer an acceptable “quick” fix either.
They also fail to appreciate the massive amount of effort going on in OEs & startups going way beyond EV into autonomy which changes the model of vehicle ownership &transportation entirely.

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I’m really struggling to find non-plastic panniers, closest ive seen are Brooks waxed cotton @£139 and they don’t look big enough to fit a pair of trainers in.

Any suggestions?

The tat is only there to mask the entry fee, costs pennies to produce but makes the entrant thinks there’s about £10-15 value in the T-shirt allowing organisers to inflate the price.

This thread wasn’t started for political reasons, and no-one on this Forum mentioned Greta Thunberg until you brought-up the subject :man_shrugging:

I had to Google SJW. Never heard that term before; but then I’m not an ‘SJW’ or ‘hater’. But given the record of the UAE on human & workers rights, I can see why you’d be familiar with social justice. Of course, we can’t really compare the UAE to a European country because they are completely different beasts, as you well know.

OEs, EVs, SJW ??

WTF, stop the TLAs!

SJWs get under the skin of AWM :joy: