Keto Diet

I just posted this on IMJ. It will receive howles of outrage, however, I think it is worth knowing. My wife was listening to a Rich Roll podcast, when I heard interviewee reference and interesting study.

If you are on or considering a Keto Diet, then you need to read this:

A study published in the Lancet, found that people who consume 30% or less carbs in their diet Live on average 5 years less than people who eat 50-55% Carbs in their diet. Above 55% also shows an increase in early mortality

The Study followed 15,400 people, age 45 to 65, and analysed their diets over a 6 year period. They then revisited those people 25 years later (so cohort would be age 76 to 96)

A strict Keto diet is 5%-10% carbs. Even a LCHF diet is well below 30% of calories from Carbs.

Do you really want to die early. This study is from one of the most respected medical journals in the world.


If thatā€™s what the study says them Iā€™m willing to listen. Pasta party anyone?

On a more serious note, if you are around 30% carbs and the majority of those come from whole foods then you should be doing well as Iā€™m sure the majority on here are compared to the average population. There are many studies showing the effects of refined carbs (refined sugar) on our bodies and should try to avoid it where possible.

Whilst I know it, I still had 2 massive choc biscuits today.

Iā€™m glad the studies are starting to have larger study groups.

The fad version of keto that the likes of IMJ types will follow isnā€™t necessary for the sporty types. All about balance and moderation in diet after all. Probably good for a short period to lose weight and gain muscle but thatā€™s probably it and even thatā€™s questionable.

HOWEVER!!! Keto for the reversal of type 2 diabetes is invaluable! And absolutely proven to save/extend lives. And that should be the focus in my opinion.

Are those percentages in Calories?
As in 30% of calories as carbs?

Iā€™m not an expert but I belive there are some well known flaws in the study.

Basing keto / low carb on percentage of carb intake doesnā€™t necessarily match current definitions.
I think the study looks at low carb in conjunction with high animal protein without isolating the carb element.
30% of a 2000 kcal diet is 150g of carbs considered moderate carb intake

I couldnā€™t find it but Diet Doctor have a couple of Podcasts which discuss it.

Edit: I found it and will try to share but itā€™s behind a paywall.

My mate ( health and safety director at IMUK 2019) has lost 18 kgs on this diet, he has also doubled his ftp in the last 18 months, he started at a very low number as he had done SFA for two years or so.

He likes it, he lives on Salmon, soft cheese, eggs and fish.

Hr uses carbs on his watt bike sessions and days he can really feel the benefit but stays in ketosis after the session.

I canā€™t think of anything worse, and being a life long veggieā€¦ itā€™s not for me.

Didnā€™t that tri taren use it to go 9:41 at Rothā€¦ then got every injury and ailment known to man in the 18 months after it?

If it works for you then bollox to what everyone else thinks ā€¦ but itā€™s very extreme


Yes I believe so

Over the past 2 years I have become increasingly veggie, primarily because my daughter has made me aware of the environmental impact of meat production. I have actually noticed a performance increase, however, that could be down to hundreds of other factors too.

I did Veganuary, and also stopped drinking alcohol and eating chocolate. The impact on how I feel has been spectacular, to the point that I am almost certain that I will remain a vegan (I never thought I would say that). It will be hard as I do love meat, but I mentally I think it has to be an all or nothing approach.

This is a personal choice, hopefully I will see continued strong athletic performance, currently I am delighted with the way my fitness and training are going.

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Was it @Rooster that did some podcasts on both his journey to veggie/vegan and the short and long term impact on performance? I remember one on bloods testing and nutrition and necessary supplements.

@Jgav I am sure you are right. I believe that the issue is that it is pretty tough to do a healthy low carb, high fat diet, as a result the increase in deaths is not neccessarily associated with the low carb element, it is more to do with the quality of fat and protein, for example high in saturated fats.

@Mungo2 your mate living on salmon, cheese, eggs and fish may well have lost a lot of weight and increased his FTP, however, from what I read, eating too much fish, especially farmed fish may well cause a significant build up of toxins.

I will have a look for this, thanks

Dr Anton Krige Jan 2020

Iā€™ve read a few times & also heard on some podcasts that people usually have a honeymoon period with becoming veggie as it immediately forces out some bad dietary choices, however this subsides after maybe 6-12 months or so as the nutritional benefits lost from eating meat take effect.

29 years and countingā€¦

Never say never ā€¦ but never all day long, unless my health depended on it.

What you say is true a few 2-3 year veggies site bacon or rather the smell of it as to what broke them.

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Iā€™m 26 or 27 years also although I started with fish and slowly cut that also. I know some very unhealthy veggies or vegans, live on cheese or vegan cheese and chips and things rather than a nice balanced diet. Like any dietary choice its not the actual diet thats helping but the fact people are consciously making good choices at the start. Once the new way of eating becomes normal you see the discipline slipping away and bad choices again replacing fresh food.


iā€™ve only just skimmed this thread, and appreciate it is specifically about diet rather than training, but the one thing I never hear as to the cause of running out of readily available energy (bonking) isā€¦???

My diet is hardly good.

Itā€™s not bad eitherā€¦

Skimmed milk only
Gluten free bread ( skin condition, more than actual health)
But I eat a lot more wraps than Bread these days
Lots of bargain isle fruit and veg but I do eat quite a few processed veggie ready mealsā€¦ I try and eat them in two sittings with fresh stuff chucked in there too, Matthew S said he had given up chocolate ā€¦ how ā€¦?!

Iā€™d rather come a few places lower, be a few llbs heavierā€¦ I love Mars bars, but have the fun size ones only.

These are all choices we make, compared to the general population I doubt many on here have bad diets ā€¦?


Yes the demographic here will be vastly different to the general population. Itā€™s all about behaviour changes for the most part, making more informed choices. Its not about labelling foods good or bad, there are no bad foods, just poor choices around those foods. Its OK to have some cake, just not twice a day and alongside a mars bar for instance. or if you have some cake, make the most of it and enjoy it, donā€™t feel guilty and donā€™t go back for seconds ā€œbecause you failed at the diet so will give up todayā€ the next choice is just as important.


:point_up:t4: :point_up:t4: :point_up:t4: This :point_up:t4: :point_up:t4: :point_up:t4:


I fail dailyā€¦

But never give up, Iā€™ll retire completely in the next 4-5 years but am the same weight today ( 71.5) as when I left school at 16.

If thereā€™s going to be races Iā€™ll up the anti, and start looking harder at diet, but Iā€™ll still have th things I like.

Going running now ā€¦ slow oneā€¦ the reward is cake !!!

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