Kona 24

Would you say everyone mentioned in the last 30 posts is clean?

Off the bat I am not making any allegations about anyone male/ female at all.

I’m not a hater and have seen first hand bow fast people are, it’s mind blowing.

This stems from a boxing “discussion “with about 500+ posts, were many normal knowledgable posters concluded that “ masking agents” were rife, and a high % of all boxers were taking peds when not in camp…

Certainly less drug scandals in cycling these days, it couldn’t have got any worse at one stage, and I can’t remember the last tri pos.
But we can see on you tube/ Facebook / everywere the lengths the pros ( and some unpaid) go to in the pursuit of speed, EPO and blood doping makes a mockery of titanium chain ring bolts, tyres, wheels, Maurten and carbon shoes.
If we know this so do they.