I think you’re right as that’s why it stank so much.
Interesting female roll down stats from IM WA .
18 - 24 (1) rolled to last competitor at 2, time 11:31
25-29 (7, one added from another AG) - rolled to 11 then offered to any finisher. 3 got up, 2 slots left. Rolled to 14. Time 12:18
30-34 (8) - rolled to 11. Time 11:39
35-39 (12 - one added from another AG) rolled to 18. Time 12:43
40-44 (9) rolled to 14. Time 12:12
45-49 (11) rolled to 4 (no takers) then offered to anyone that finished. 13 stood up, 2 sent back, final slot finished 17th. Time 12:43
50-54 (9) rolled to 15. Time 12:37
55-59 (6) rolled to 11 then offered to any finisher. Allocated to only athlete with hand up - 19th . Time 16:19
60-64 (2) rolled to 3, not taken as 3 only in age group- reallocated
65-69 (1) reallocated
Considering there were a lot of female slots, and the current uncertainty, i think that seems OK at first glance.
I’ve been critical before of rolldowns, but generally it looks like the slots were predominantly taken by the qualifiers, and the roll-downs stayed within one roll per slot (eg 5 slots going to 10th).
Probably the best can be expected when females have 65 slots.
I have no answer yet, but I’d wonder how the depth compares or what times would be expected. Could look at slowest qualifier (allocated and roll-down) compared to AG winner. Or roll-down time compared to slowest slot time, to see if roll-downs offered places to people who just missed out, or who were hours behind.
For quite a lot of them it’s probably their first realistic chance of qualifying, women usually got about 3 slots in the biggest age group and most only got 1.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens for 2024 though.
Interesting article here, these guys make even the dentists look economy class
I mean, that’s just everything that’s wrong with Ironman there isn’t it.
And it drags up the price for everyone else.
Think how much that scale and polish is going to cost
Can you imagine dentists at an Ironman watching all that sports drink being guzzled?
They must think ‘yes, yes my pretties, take it all in’
I’m confused- does IMXC have a different world championship away from Kona? The article take about the race being in Mont Treblant in Canada🙄
I think the article author doesn’t know it’s head from it’s arse and it’s just lazy journalism not understanding how IM events work - as we know, all IM events are qualifiers for a World Champs but it doesn’t mean each event is a WC in itself.
the XC program has been around for many years - looked at it myself when I had my own company but fuck me, the entry prices are stupid. Only for the seriously loaded or who are CEO’s of large corps. Just another way for IM to milk the punters.
Yeah. You can race Kona as part of the corporate challenge package. It’s a wonder you didn’t get onto it
I’ll negotiate it into my package for my next job
Travelodge in the centre of Bolton (or Blackpool)
So… just got an email telling me what we already knew (but just hadn’t had it confirmed) - that Nice on Sep 10th is the IM World Champ venue for men in 2023. Just looking at the slot allocation for upcoming races - https://www.ironman.com/im-world-championship-nice-slot-allocation … IM France on 25th June has 200 male slots for the world champs in September. That’s some pretty good odd’s I’d say.
100 at Bolton as well but it looks like they’ve changed the qualification window.
Wonder if Bolton will get more signups very soon.
Edit, look at the early 2024 qualifiers, pretty much age group winners only!
So Bolton this year is for 2024?
Nice 2024 will be giving slots to all.
I can’t see many females wanting to do that course
No, Bolton is still for this year, looks like July is the cutoff?
I think it’s great, obvs I’m not going so what I think doesn’t really matter, but if I was aiming for a WC slot in two or three years, knowing that I could afford to get there would be a good thing.
Can watch in normal life hours too.