Middle East

he was running for London Mayor at the time

eta: it was actually the London assembly, so part of the Mayors office


I go but have to keep it quiet

Damn it! :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


We’ve got a famous sweary chef as well. Not that the internet would lie to me, would it? :worried:


That would be am incredible double bluff :sweat_smile:


So now we have a large Israeli troop and vehicle build up along the Lebanon border. BBC.

Guess that they are preparing for a two front war. Hopefully it doesn’t become a three or four front war (Golan and West Bank).

The UN are still talking about possible war crimes.

And another, single, no extrapolation Ejc, soldier claiming that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. By the end of the one and a bit minutes, you have to feel for Israeli plight, but it equally shows that, understandably, emotions are still running high. Emotions are could be what makes Israel guilty (per the UN) of war crimes.

Would you not expect them to be?

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Not if I believed your words from a few days ago ejc. :grin:

You were talking in terms of people taking potshots from the hills.

Chill :cold_face:

Yes…hence Israel deploying troops…

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They were already in the initial mobilisation.

My friends two cousins are currently camped on the border.


Just common sense, right. If you’ve got threats on two sides you don’t attack one and leave the back door wide open :man_shrugging:

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I, and I suspect most here, wish them well.

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Terrible scenes at the hospital in Gaza last night.

Israel are producing solid evidence to point towards a failed missile launch from the other side,

I doubt if many Palestinian sympathisers will believe them :man_shrugging:

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Found last night really hard, social media kicked into action incredibly quickly. I don’t want to see unnecessary civilian deaths and would hold Israel accountable for the bombing of a hospital. With the emerging evidence supporting a failed missile it gives me some hope that it wasn’t Israel.

People who’ve picked sides and can’t apply critical thinking will simply ignore what they don’t want to see. There was one tweet from a supposed military spokesperson which is what is being re-tweeted constantly as ‘proof’ it was Israel. It looks like he’s a media personality rather than a spokesperson as the IDF uses serving generals for that.


Sadly Jgav, that is what happens.

  1. People pick sides, and not always for rational reasons. But I will given them some credit as learning to look at issues impartially is not an easy skill to learn. Especially since you need to keep emotions out of it.

  2. Critical thinking isn’t something that is universally taught and frankly some people just don’t ’get it’. Out of those who do, it can be tough keeping personal biases etc out.

  3. People ignoring what they don’t want to see is very common. I myself have been ridiculed many times in life re this. I remember in my first year of training with Price Waterhouse suggesting that property prices will fall. My manager laughed his head off at such nonsense, for the conventional wisdom of the day was that house prices could only rise. There is plenty of evidence of such things on this board and TT1. The really funny bit is that when the dam breaks, everyone knew. I think that this is largely a problem of group think.

So all in all Jgav, this is sadly all to common everywhere in life. And at times like this it can cause problems, whether the armchair sofa media experts or decision making leaders.

Try not to let it get under your skin.

My thinking amounts to this:

  • Jews have historically been persecuted.
  • The Islamic faith when applied by the more conservative, is not a tolerant religion.
  • You can’t punish millions of innocent people or justify killing thousands, because a few Zealots have done bad things to you.
  • Some of this reasoning doesn’t necessarily sit well with our own history.

Evidence can very easily be fabricated…however, i think that it is worth noting that modern weaponry is fab when it works but just as lethal when it doesn’t. But the MO of hamas and the likely munitions they are using suggests it was self inflicted.


The Israeli argument seems to be that if it was one of theirs there’d be a big crater and loads of structural damage.

Instead there was a fuel fire which would be consistent with a failed launch.


That seems reasonable…

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I guess there aren’t too many neutral observers with access to the site to sift through the debris for evidence of what the missile actually was, especially if it was friendly fire and the locals don’t want us to know :roll_eyes: