Miles v Km

Sorry, I wasn’t saying they were inextricably linked; rather that in a similar vane, a lot of the Brexit voters will also be falling off their perches in the not-too-distant future.

I never think about it, but always use psi for bike. I just know what I am to hit on the track pump.

Last time I did the car I used BAR because the sticker gave the spec in bar not PSI. The machine did the actual work.

and a lot of remainers will one day learn the value of democracy…

Oh definitely; it’s democracy. I’m just making a demographic observation.

ah gotcha. I may have mis read. You were saying those hanging on to the past have no hope of those days coming back, to which I agree.

We love spending time with my Mum but bloody hell she’s hard work when she get’s on her ‘things were better when we didn’t have all this modern stuff in life’ :laughing:

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I think the issue with BAR and bike pumps is a lot of them are designed for high pressure/low volume or the opposite. Which doesn’t help with the accuracy of the low end/high end. I know that would apply to PSI as well but somehow, the gaps in PSI being smaller is easier to live with. :grin:

Also not forgetting the 19mm = 3/4"

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Should we mention Whitworth?

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I’ll take a Bushel of ripe Avcoados.

i ran 3 stadia at lunchtime

Im on board with returning bushels and flagons as pub units.

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as i was too…

and BSP…

and media ownership…

not sure about that, the current lot ill be long gone when it all comes home to roost…