Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

We’ve still got our week at Putsborough in August booked. We were also meant to go in April but couldn’t. I’m not 100% confident we’ll be going in August either.


Our first booking is last weekend in June, Yurts. Fingers crossed :man_shrugging:

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If you look at the detail, they’ve extended the suspension of national and international racing to 1 Setptember, but regional racing and sportives have only been extended to 1 August, on the basis that they involve shorter travel distances, fewer event personnel and lower spectator numbers.

I guess that opens the door for smaller events that can potentially be put on while maintaining some sort of social distancing around them.

BC have also extended the suspension of club activities to 4 July, indicating that they’re hoping that club rides could be started again in some form even earlier.

I misread that then, but did just skim some of it. I thought it was trying to discourage some Sportives as people do still travel long distances for the really popular ones, e.g. Fred Whitton, etape.

I know of one bike club that has basically said their evening 10’s have been wiped out as a result of it.

I’ve not seen anything from the CTT, but I suspect they will do something similar, even though they would be easier to run.

I don’t think there’s much chance of any of the bigger sportives running, but it sounds like they’re hoping for the smaller events and some local racing to happen from August.

I don’t see why club TTs couldn’t happen again if clubs are given the go-ahead to re-start club activities from July/August, so long as there’s appropriate social distancing before and after.

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Boston officially binned now, that’s pretty much all my big races this year. At least it saves me wondering whether I need to try and get there.

They are giving a full refund but no automatic entries for 2021. But, apparently they are backdating the qualifying window until Sept 18, which means my Chicago 18 time is still legit. But with more people with QT’s it could be tighter. Also I age up so it depends how that works, if I need the M50 time then I’m about 15 minutes under.

All dependant on travel of course.

They are doing some virtual race in September, essentially to get you to buy the surplus (exclusive) medals and merch.

It’s only a week after Texas 70.3 though so I get less holiday time.

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Putsbrough Holiday venue of my youth…Brilliant

I was there. Love the phrase! Hooned!

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The units we stay in are very nice flats. It’s pretty much the only building in Putsborough and apparently used to be a hotel. Absolutely amazing views. You have surf, trails, walks and a small cafe.

Plus it’s not Woolacoombe!

World Multisports in Almere postponed to 2021. hey ho - no trip to Almere for me this year.

It’s nice you already have some certainty. A refund is good form too. And I like the fact that they’re just letting you carry your time forward.

There’s absolutely no guarantee even April 2021 will be back to “normal”, but by extending the qualifying window, my assumed “100% in” time from December (16:32 under) is going to be much less certain.

I guess there’s no spring marathons from this year to add to the pile, so it’ll only be the autumn marathon season from the end of 2019 that are also in the mix. So fingers crossed (on a number of levels)

Saw that. Triathlon Ireland has been hopeful it would go ahead in some form perhaps a bit later in the year. That was my last hope for a big multi sport race this year…

If they just open Wales, I can go and do the Fan Dance on my own anyway.

I bet they’ll be open when they need money from central Govt.

I was going to ask this earlier. Given some of the notices that appeared like ‘Rats go home’ in Cornwall and some of the anti-English sentiment from Wales, do you think there might be a backlash when things do open? In that ‘OK, you want our money now’?

I absolutely agree with the sentiment to stay away but some of the delivery was a bit blunt. (goes for age District also).

When we were on the full lockdown then it was entirely justified, once things were relaxed last week then less so, if we’re advised we can go wherever we want within England and within family groups then that’s when things changed for me

I was a TO at Pontevedra last year, and Fyn the year before and was really looking forward to Almere but not to be. ah well, next year it is!

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So sad, only the lawyers will benefit.

I’d agree. It’d be nice if I could get a refund, as I’d like the flexibility, but in reality I’d simply just enter more races in the future with that money. So there’s not much difference getting a free entry the following year if that helps cashflow of the events companies (minus the flexibility part (1)). But as you say, taking action like this is just going to mean some of the money of racers, and a large chunk of money of Ironman’s, will end up in the pockets of law firms.

As most of us have said … we just want there to be races to actually race once this hopefully subsides.

(1) I get that for some people the rearranged dates are not possible at all (e.g. teachers, etc), and so for those people, Ironman should be more secretively accommodating in exceptional circumstances, on a case by case basis

Not all event organisers have covered themselves in glory, and I get some people’s frustration. My concern is that big class action cases against event organisers will result in many event companies going out of business. Most 2020 events will be cancelled due to CV-19 most 2021 events will be cancelled because there are no companies to organise them

A company like IM with so many events to choose from I’d be overjoyed at option of credit to enter an event of my choice rather than a refund (even if say can’t priority register to reduce entering those that sell out rapidly). But auto deferral one year or option to enter two foreign races of their choice isn’t ideal for me.