More DIY & Gardening numptiness

Fixed toilet not refilling problem.

After ges of manually getting it working again I finally ordered anything that might work. It doesn’t fit properly but it has fixed the problem. Fucking houses.


I set about cleaning the P trap in our en suite sometime last year as the basin wasn’t draining well and was leaking slightly
What should have been a 20 min job turned into 4hrs and 2 trips to Screwfix because as usual with this house, the fitting isn’t standard and I didn’t notice at first. It has a different size collar at each end and then feeds into an odd sized elbow that has a goes into the pipe that joins the soil piped.

I had to buy 2 new traps, different sizes to get the rubbers that I needed to renew each end (one captive and one open). What a bloody bodge!

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can I just say that putting some good sink unblocker down the traps on a regular basis saves a lot of messy hassle. yeh, it might not be eco friendly but fuck me, it saves a lot of grief hoiking hair and other shit out and keeps things moving nicely.

and @fruit_thief - good luck! why do you think we’re moving from a Grade 2 listed property?? :wink:


3 women in this house with long hair. The rat hair balls I have to pull out the hoover and drain are grim.

Problem I find with sink unblocker is unless it’s completely blocked it finds its way past. I take the drain cover off and give the shower a go with the plunger

I guess we’re lucky here - only me and Mrs FB and we both have short hair. The trap in our shower room is however very shallow and still gets clogged with hair and soap and a regular use of an unblocker works well


Great work. I usually just dump some Mr Muscle nuclear drain unblocker down the sink and hope for the best (lazy…).


Just putting it out there….

What gets me is the 90 YO who was bitten by a crocodile


We all knew this would happen! :smiley:

Mar ‘20:

“ Working from home saw everyday household items pose a fresh hazard, with 2,243 people needing attention after coming into contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils.”

Ahah, so ‘Warning May Contain Hot Liquid’ on Starbucks cups doesn’t sound quite so dumb now…


Ha, nearly posted this myself, remember way back when the twitter heath police said we shouldn’t ride our bikes for fear of crashing & needing hospital treatment when the hospitals were empty & the only ones there had stayed at home & done some DIY.
I argued i’d never had a bike crash that needed medical attention :thinking:


Exactly this. That ‘magic liquid’ down the plughole works great, right up to the point that it doesn’t!

I thought it wasn’t known if they were bitten or just struck by it, and I thought it wasn’t known if it was an alligator or a crocodile, glad it’s been clarified! Still think the important info is HOW though. Masks would’ve clearly prevented that covid injury though.

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definitely, I’ve always been an advocate of dangerous reptiles wearing masks through covid


Yeah, but the local B&M staff just won’t stand up to them…


Dremel fans, Lidl have their “I can’t believe it’s not Dremel” kits in this week. I bought six packets of various bits (344 pieces) for £21, about the same as the official Dremel kit (20 pieces) I bought before Christmas.


Bit of light reading arrived today

Great intro: “I left school not knowing what I wanted to do for a living and so decided to work for my father’s roofing company. Twenty five years on I am still in the roofing industry despite several attempts to leave it…”


Page 1, fuck that, get someone in to do it


If I had to fix our roof I’d be reading this book



Actually page 1 starts “slating and tiling embraces a vast area of situations, from a front door porch to a cathedral”

Er, let’s start with the porch eh?

“The main function of slating and tiling is to give a building a good hat.” I’m liking this book already



FTFY :laughing: