There’s a lot of experience on this site & thought perhaps it would be interesting to hear about days when a race went really well. What was special about that day - maybe training, preparation, strategy, the weather, nutrition, kit, life in general etc etc?
I can think of 2 races that probably went as well as they could.
The first was IMUK 2007, because it was a first IM and nothing went wrong. I trained properly- thanks mainly to Don Fink’s book “Be IronFit”. Did at least 6 long brick sessions in the weeks leading up to it, got in the long runs. Then on race day was really disciplined and just took the bike steady and rode to a conservative heart rate. Felt pretty fresh for the marathon, and was able to steady run the whole thing without walking (actually that’s not quite true, had to walk for a bit coming out of T2 as back was seized up a little). Which looking back is quite surprising. 57 minutes+ 5h53+ 3h51. Finish time 10h 49, not going to trouble the fast guys here, but hey.
The second was Race to the Bill oly in 2021. This one I’d love to bottle and pour out again at will, but the truth is I have no idea why it went well.
Good swim, good bike. But have been there before, only to see every man and his dog go by on the run.
Not this time: legs felt great. Managed to run the “10km” (it was actually 9km according to Strava) at a pace within 10 seconds per km of my standalone 10km PB, set 5 years earlier.
The leader was miles ahead, but I held on to 2nd.
Can’t work out what I did right that day It was a 4 lap run course which maybe helped mentally to break it down, & do remember concentrating very hard on each lap
. Plus, best shoes ever, Vaporfly 4%. We were coming out of Covid and there wasn’t even much of a crowd, so can’t say it was the power of that
Anyway - any battle stories you’d like to share? Especially, if you had a great day, why do you think that was?