With a very heavy heart I’m letting you know that Cleo (Nadya) suffered a brain bleed & blood clot. She had emergency surgery to relieve the pressure and remove the clot, but she suffered another bleed. CT & MRI scans confirmed that her brain stem was severely damaged. The ventilator has been withdrawn and she died at 1:15, Maine time.
I’m sure I speak for us all, sending all our love and support to Cenzo (Vince) at this very sad time.
This is the worst news. Cleo was a stalwart of TT1.0 and who could forget the pom poms.
I will never forget the shout she gave me at one of the roundabouts at Outlaw.
I’m not ashamed to say I shed a tear in the middle of a swimming pool when I read Vince’s post last night. What he and family must be going through, one minute the happiest life together the next ripped away with no warning. I will remember the Pom Poms fondly and the Herts rides with both of them.
It’s unbelievable. Raced Roth with her, she suppported us at the Vit, competed with us at the Relays. Determined, kind and a team player. Vince, our hearts go out to you.
OK I’d like to dedicate the training I’ve just done to the lovely Cleo, who’s life was far, far too short
As many of you may know I live in a village about 1350 ft above sea level. Just run 55 mins worth of 37 off-road hill reps in an inch of snow and snowstorm with -8 windchill, realising, as I approach my 60th (my dad made 59 only), it really does make me feel soooo lucky to be healthy fit and alive.
I salute all of those lovely people who never got to live a full lifespan.
Its been that long since I’ve been here I could restart my account with the same name. I never look at facebook these days but did for a random reason and came across this tragic news.
In my early days Nadya was incredibly kind to me. Meeting her at IM Bolton many moons ago.