Protein Bars

My quick protein lunch for me today was;

Make some hummus; simmer some chickpeas with bicarbonate.

Whilst the chickpeas are simmering, make some tortillas; equal parts maize flour and water. Mix smooth. Whack in the fridge.

Take out a chicken breast, butterfly that, brush with some homemade chilli jam. Warm up the cast iron skillet and whap it in.

Whilst that’s on the go; shell the chickpeas, whizz them up with some oil, lemon juice, roasted garlic, tahini and some sesame seeds.

Chicken should nearly there now, turn it.

Get the dough out. Roll into six balls.
Line the tortilla press.
Get smushing.
Make some ickle tortillas.

Chicken is done.
Remove and place into the still warm oven (you know, from when you put the garlic in to roast at 1030)

Toast the tortillas - 30s each side - on the griddle.

Slice an avocado, maybe some cucumber, too.

Whack the hummus and avo onto the cooked tortillas, scatter the lovely seared chicken on, maybe some rocket, then add some home pickled red onions and jalapeños.

Done and ate in under an hour :white_check_mark::+1:t3:


Chilli Jam - chillies. About a dozen. Chopped. Not deseeded. 500g jam sugar :face_with_peeking_eye: (or normal sugar + pectin sachet) two roasted red peppers, 500ml apple cider vinegar. simmer the vinegar and sugar, whizz up the chillis and peppers, add paste to the sweet acidic liquid, reduce by 50%. Jar. Cool. Done :white_check_mark:

Pickled anything;
2.5% saline solution. (25g salt to 1l vinegar)
Maybe 15g salt to bring the sweetness out.
Four thinly sliced red onions.
Put sliced onions into sterilised jar.
Pour in saline solution.
Press down and cover with paper until cooled.
Lid on.
Done :grin:


That’s a whole construction project for me. :smile:


You and I differ here. I had cheese on toast.

Chuck in a few ice cubes. Helps to aerate the Hummus.



Cheers for the tip, Ottolenghi :kissing_heart:
I did decant it into a rather fetching Tupperware, sprinkled with sumac and sesame seeds, then some more olive oil.

Anyways …

Cheese = banned
Bread = processed :. Banned :x:

I didn’t have time to make a loaf today, as the dog got up late (in essence, he didn’t wake me up) and I wanted to go swimming.
So no proper bread for lunch :sob:

Anyways…100g chickpeas = 19g protein
200g chicken = 31g

(19+31)/2 = 25g :kissing_heart:

Or you could just make falafel bars;

400g dried chickpeas £1
Fresh ‘erbs & spices 10p
Onion 9p
Garlic clove 11p
Baking powder 5p
Sesame seeds 15p
Air fryer cooking 20p

So that’s ~22p per 9.5G protein.
Stick that to those £3 Grenade Bars

Protein yo’self up :muscle:t3:


is there any protein in beer?

I am not eating any protein bars
I can’t be bothered with protein shakes (I have some mix in the cupboard)
I am supplementing with lots of beer at the moment

Think I will continue to take things easy - seems to have worked in Wales


Beer is an excellent isotonic drink, well, Erdinger is.
But it’s crap for BP/cholesterol and heart stuff.

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Obviously the best source of protein is real food but if you’re putting the work in & don’t think you’re seeing the results you should be, the first question a nutritionist will as is are you getting enough protein?

Also, if you’ve put in the effort & time to do a tough session (at presumably the expense of other life luxuries) then it seems foolish not to tick the protein box.

Multiple smaller protein intakes are better to maintain levels.

I was recommended the Graham’s yogurt from Aldi by a nutritionist & I’m liking them, especially the peach. Handily one fits into a Camelbak cool bottle & ideal for taking with you to have directly after a session & consuming in several servings.

I probably have 2x yogurts & 2x shakes per week supplementing a good diet.


:+1: I am a regular consumer of those, although I prefer the strawberry.

@Poet wouldn’t be seen dead in Lidles or Aldi though.


There’s a separate thread for yoghurt, you utter perverts :nauseated_face::kissing_heart:

@Sowler - I did two smaller £30 top-up shops at both Aldi and Lidl last month …

Out of six fruit, three were mouldy/bruised.
Of the remaining three apples, they were like eating a bath sponge.
The three mandarins were ~86% pith and tasted of nothing.
Broccoli is shrink wrapped :exploding_head::kissing_heart:
They didn’t have basic items like zaatar, asoefatida and fly spray :x:

I now remember why I stopped going, it’s shit.

The missus being a shopping Jedi goes to Aldi for probably 70% of our shopping but not for fresh fruit & veg as it’s bob like you say.

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Meat is crap too.
All sinewy and pumped up. :nauseated_face:

Nut omelettes :person_tipping_hand:

Pint of semi-skimmed milk - 7.2g protein, 5 seconds prep time


What the?